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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Ps4 bunduru announced!

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prayformojo said:
It'll probably be $449.99 which means, you pretty much save nothing but time lol.

well you know what they say, time is worth more than gold. so you will be saving A LOT!

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Does it come with an automatic preorder for Metal Gear Solid V?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Still going with February 18th as Infamous: SS release date. We'll see tonight though. Guarantee it will be announced.

Sony doing it wrong as usual. Sony, listen up. Limited edition bundles are supposed to have custom cases. Why are you so bad at this?

The bundle of awesomeness!

Around the Network

They could make two bundles... the GOOD and the BAD.

BuckStud said:

They should have a large text bubble on the front of the box that says..."Now with a working HDMI port"!

wow really?  This is not an issue.  Electronics fail.  If the internet weren't looking SO hard for something to criticize on PS4 this wouldn't even have made a story.  I mean if they had messed something MAJOR up no one would be reporting the 1% of consoles failing (well within a new electronic's acceptable percentages).

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

theprof00 said:
Sony doing it wrong as usual. Sony, listen up. Limited edition bundles are supposed to have custom cases. Why are you so bad at this?

would make people wait for a cool special edition.

i'd like to get limited cases just like for smartphones, that would be killer!!

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse

Please change title to "Bunduru" to reflect last nights episode of South Park. Pretty Plz.

Its like the creators know Sony love teh bunduru with this thread.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Veknoid_Outcast said:
Ooo, this is tempting. What comes with the special edition?

The usual DLC, and a special game case.

Me gusta queso 

psn id: rychussnik