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Forums - Sales Discussion - Bet: Wii to cross 22 Million same week PS3 passes 10 million.

Magera said:
^ Focus on the PS3 because the two units came out at the same time... Maybe not WW but still same time in general.

Yes it will be interesting to see how long the Wii can keep it's momentum. I personally think it will begin to slow down within 6 months. Not to say stop selling in 6 months, more like sell 100K less WW per week. (Roughly 200K per week sell rate instead of 300K+)

 I don´t think it happen

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trestres said:
Branko2166 said:
Possibly could happen. Don't know why the focus on the ps3? Right now the wii is selling more than the rest of the competition and it will be interesting to see how long it maintains the momentum.

The momentum will last at least 5 more years, do the math.

 Wow I am overwhelmed by your analysis

A lot of things can happen in 5 years. Regardless of what happens though it's an exciting time for console gaming.





^yeah - u never know - what if the PS3 was sold for $.01????? I wonder what would sell more?

Yep, that probably will happen, now that the numbers have been adjusted.

the UK numbers for the PS3 are off by a bit, so the PS3 could make 10m next week

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it's not that bold of a prediction, in fact it seems like an obvious conclusion. With famitsu having ps3 at 21k not 40k it makes the chances of ps3 hitting 10 million next week extremely low.

The wii should hit 22 million no problem with 2 more weeks (plus japan numbers which have it at 83k). Wii only has to sell 290k for the next 2 weeks to reach it, it sold 440k this week (adding in famitsu numbers).

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

And the odds change now that PS3 numbers were adjusted.

This kind of thread is really pointless for numbers so close.

I'll take that bet now that the numbers were adjusted! HAHA