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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 13/11 Nintendo Direct - wall-of-text summary...

Einsam_Delphin said:
osed125 said:

So only for 3DS games? 

Come on Nintendo, 3DS is doing fine, show me some Wii U software dammit.

The 3DS is doing fine because it has been getting a constant stream of games. If they stopped making games for it to focus on Wii U, you can bet that it'll start selling like crap again, hence they must continually support both platforms no matter how well they're doing.

I know that. But the 3DS already has plenty of software to look forward to during the rest of the year...Wii U...only 3D World tbh. Nintendo needs to focus on the console that's suffering the most, but of course, without leaving the 3DS in the dust.

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If it's 3DS focused, why is Wii U on there?

forethought14 said:
If it's 3DS focused, why is Wii U on there?

They'll likely spend 20 minutes talking about the 3DS and 10 talking about the Wii U. That is definately 3DS focused, but has enough time for 2 or 3 Wii U games to be adressed.

Love and tolerate.

KingdomHeartsFan said:

They really need to give more notice, 1 day before isn't enough.

They're actually trying to be gentle with our hypemeter !!

though I don't get why focus on 3DS when the WiiU is going to battle alone there on the 15-29 of this month.

Since this is 3DS focus does this mean we get some details on miiverse and nintendo network ID'S for the 3DS?

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I bet Shin'en`s tip is about Jett Rocket... or Fast Racing Wii U.

F-zero who cares about F-Zero even if that game was coming out it would only sell like a million copies.... we need a new IP not a revival of F-Zero.

I don't get, people are really foregetting the big picture here:

Games coming for wiiu 2014: DK, MK, Samsh brother, Yoshi yarn, Bayonetta 2, X, SMT xFE
Games comign for 3DS 2014: Smash brothers, Yoshi, kirby, mario golf

Whos better? Now that monster hunter, pokemon and mario kart came(with zelda in 10 days), what is next for 3DS? There is any other system seller coming, japan speacially? Smahs brother maybe, but neither yoshi, kirby or golf looks that will move so much consoles like they did in this year. We have some jrpg coming, but layton is selling worse every iteration, braverly default not selled that well on japan, phoenix can do some noise, but, for me, wiiu seems more proeminet this next year than 3DS.

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Today most hardware design is left to other companies, but when you make hardware without taking into account the needs of the eventual software developers, you end up with bloated hardware full of pointless excess. From the outset one must consider design from both a hardware and software perspective."

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animegaming said:
Since this is 3DS focus does this mean we get some details on miiverse and nintendo network ID'S for the 3DS?

I'd hope so, they've been incredibly slow with a feature that should have been there at the start.

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outlawauron said:
animegaming said:
Since this is 3DS focus does this mean we get some details on miiverse and nintendo network ID'S for the 3DS?

I'd hope so, they've been incredibly slow with a feature that should have been there at the start.

Ever since i got my Wii U and tried out Miiverse for the first time i was like "We need this for Pokemon like right now"