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Forums - Gaming Discussion - killzone shadowfall or ryse:son of rome.which one has the best graphics? poll added


which has the best graphics?

ryse:son of rome 52 25.37%
killzone shadowfall 103 50.24%
see results 49 23.90%

Shoot it is hard to say.

For me Ryse has AMAZING character models, textures and facial animations.

KS:SF has better lighting, draw distance, effects and environments while being more technical.

This is just all IMO of course.

Both look WAY better than BF:4 in my opinion and that game looks great. So both are some AMAZING graphical games to be exclusive launch titles to say the least. So I say it is just all a matter of preference at the end of the day. So I PREFER KZ:SF but I take NOTHING away from RYSE at the same time in graphics. Neither really CRUSHES the other visually those people that keep saying that are just not being realistic and showing their colors smh....

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Around the Network
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Daisuke72 said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Killzone looks like ass in everything that isnt used as promotional video.

Ryse looks decent all around with nice character models.

In what way does this look ass? Honestly have you ever said ANYTHING positive about a Sony exclusie before? Cause there's no way in hell Shadowfall's graphics are ass, you're just being a bias hater by saying that. 


Anyways, will have to wait until I see more of the environments before I choose which one looks best. 

Nope. Im not in Sony's target demographic. So nope. Maybe Im just pissed at them :p

Ill tell you Rime looks like a washed out version of Wind Waker too and that they keep copying everything they can get their hands on.


Go find some screenshots of Killzone if you really wanna see the ugly parts

Nope, still looking for what looks ass in Killzone, already showed gameplay and screenshots and you have yet to expose it's flaws, care trying? Oh wait, you can't. 

Overall, Killzone is the best unless you're blind or looking at it through Mountain Dew glasses. Ryse has better character models though.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Best textures and character models: ryse
Tecnically better: killzone: bigger environment, 1080p

Seems like Killzone doesn't have to worry about mo-cap or any type of facial features, or realness at that.

Around the Network
jlmurph2 said:
Seems like Killzone doesn't have to worry about mo-cap or any type of facial features, or realness at that.

that makes no sense.

bananaking21 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Seems like Killzone doesn't have to worry about mo-cap or any type of facial features, or realness at that.

that makes no sense.


jlmurph2 said:
bananaking21 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Seems like Killzone doesn't have to worry about mo-cap or any type of facial features, or realness at that.

that makes no sense.


are you trying to say "realistic image"?

also you did not explain your first post. you said killzone doesnt have to worry about mo-cap or any type of facial features or "realness" at that. i know your taking a cheap shot at killzone, but your doing a horrible job at it. and you provide no data what so ever to back your claims up.

jlmurph2 said:
bananaking21 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Seems like Killzone doesn't have to worry about mo-cap or any type of facial features, or realness at that.

that makes no sense.


Such as this?

DirtyP2002 said:
kitler53 said:
if you look at still screenshots they look comparable but...

1080p vs. 900p
60 fps vs. 30 fps

...graphically speaking the winner is obviously killzone.

The Last of Us:
720p / 30 FPS

Wipeout HD:
1080p / 60 FPS

--> Wipeout is obviously the best looking game on PS3 and Xbox 360.

silly responce doesn't really deserve an answer but,.. 

when you look at the still screenshots of wipeout and TLoU the level of details isn't even close hense the comparison isn't valid.



 ryse and killzone, however, have similar detail.  but when viewed on a big screen TV instead of on these forums killzone's 1080p will be noticable.  when actually played (aka in motion) the smoother animations of 60 fps will also be noticable.


killzone get's the nod.