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Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Daisuke72 said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Killzone looks like ass in everything that isnt used as promotional video.

Ryse looks decent all around with nice character models.

In what way does this look ass? Honestly have you ever said ANYTHING positive about a Sony exclusie before? Cause there's no way in hell Shadowfall's graphics are ass, you're just being a bias hater by saying that. 


Anyways, will have to wait until I see more of the environments before I choose which one looks best. 

Nope. Im not in Sony's target demographic. So nope. Maybe Im just pissed at them :p

Ill tell you Rime looks like a washed out version of Wind Waker too and that they keep copying everything they can get their hands on.


Go find some screenshots of Killzone if you really wanna see the ugly parts

Nope, still looking for what looks ass in Killzone, already showed gameplay and screenshots and you have yet to expose it's flaws, care trying? Oh wait, you can't.