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Forums - Gaming Discussion - killzone shadowfall or ryse:son of rome.which one has the best graphics? poll added


which has the best graphics?

ryse:son of rome 52 25.37%
killzone shadowfall 103 50.24%
see results 49 23.90%
JerCotter7 said:
oni-link said:
bubblegamer said:
Killzone hands down.

You must be a die-hard Sony fan to say otherwise?  Ryse is on another level compared to SF!!!

Oh the Irony.

On a technical level KZ is better but then for looks it's all just someones opinion. 

The enemies also stand out as being a step too far below the main character in Ryse. Whereas KZ the animation just flat out sucks.

Irony indeed. I remember his first thread very well!!

OP my vote goes to KillZone for having a bigger immersive world and better resolution as well.

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I was discussing in GAF these days about the only think that it is hurting the next-gen games... the lack of AF... Killzone and Ryse have low AF (even games like Forza 5 seems to have no AF at all).

It is weird because AF is have no hit in performance with the modern GPUs (~5fps for 16xAF... so these games can use 8xAF).

They both offer good graphics. Ryse offers better graphics on characters and near objects while the new Killzone offers beautiful massive environment.

I love these threads when people take it serious saying one or the other obviously looks better xD Just give a hand up to both devs for putting a lot of hard work into them. They both look stunning and one or the other clearly doesnt look better. They have entirely different artistic styles for starters.

Crytek and Guerilla Games are actually very similar in my opinion.  They are two of the most talented devs in the industry when it comes to graphics.


Ryse looks better to me. Killzone: SF only looks really impressive in the city environments but the natural environments don't look nearly as visually appealing to me whereas Ryse does a fantastic job all around.

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foodfather said:

In some trailers, KZSF looks phenomenal, but on certain other streams and gameplay vids, it hardly looks next gen at all bar from a few neat lighting effects and set piece moments. Aim for the highly unnecessary bench marks of 1080p and 60fps could be the reason why. Withouth this, KZSF would probably look a whole lot better. On a side note, I think people are forgetting how good KZ3 actually looks. KZSF really does look like the same game, but with more colour. 

Ryse gets my vote, I think its the best looking game next gen, but its just an adventure game, it doesn't really compare with the grphical detail and fidelity required in an FPS game.

I'd say overall, BF4 looks better than both, certainly a lot more than KZSF.

I agree with you that some of the gameplay vids of KZSF we have are kinda disappointing because of the muddy/blurry look. There is a disparity (and a paradox) of the muddy colors, blurry image we get on some of those gameplays videos (particularly of the latest supposed high bitrate video which is awfully blurry and messy in my opinion) and the great look (saturated colors, sharp 1080p look image) it has on even some random guy offscreen footage.

But me must have confidence in all the people who watched it in front of their eyes, including even Ethomaz , or notably Digital Foundry who spent several hours playing the game at Guerrila's and made tweets about it notably this one when they say that Ryse may not be the best looking game because of Killzone.

Killzone looks better but when it comes to character models, Ryse wins that category

bananaking21 said:

lets post some actual gameplay footage shall we? 



i think its clear which one looks better.

I was actually under the impression that Ryse looked better until this post.


I guess the character models in Ryse distracted me..

kitler53 said:
if you look at still screenshots they look comparable but...

1080p vs. 900p
60 fps vs. 30 fps

...graphically speaking the winner is obviously killzone.

The Last of Us:
720p / 30 FPS

Wipeout HD:
1080p / 60 FPS

--> Wipeout is obviously the best looking game on PS3 and Xbox 360.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

enditall727 said:
bananaking21 said:

lets post some actual gameplay footage shall we? 


I was actually under the impression that Ryse looked better until this post.


I guess the character models in Ryse distracted me..

dont look at cut scenes, look at the at the gameplay. thats all i got to say. 

Edit: also notice how people keep posting close up pics of the models during cut scenes. and FYI two of the Killzone pics i posted were from multiplayer. and just one multiplayer pic from Ryse.