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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Spore finally gets a release date!

twesterm said:
And sadly, I'm not as excited for this game as I once was. There really comes a point when you've just waited too long. I suppose if my computer can run it I might get it, but I'm not too optimistic at the moment.

 I know what you mean, they havent hadled the hype very well, it was at full throttle a few months ago but then the stopped letting any new info out at all, if they had done a similar thing to smash bros the hype levels would be of the charts

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Maybe it's a good to just forget about the game for a while...they can bring the hype back up when the release date gets closer. Hyping a game forever will just aggravate people.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

jlauro said:
brute said:
anyone know if this is also for wii

I think the wii version is expected to be released later than PC and DS.

There is no Wii version announced. Will Wright once expressed interest in developing Spore for the Wii, but that's all. If a Wii version does come, it will be alot later than PC/DS.

^actually he confirmed that he was also making a wii version

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

yes there better be a wii version
EA doesnt want another Rockband incident
this game is like
made for the Wii
do i miscalculate?

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Kasz216 said:
twesterm said:
And sadly, I'm not as excited for this game as I once was. There really comes a point when you've just waited too long. I suppose if my computer can run it I might get it, but I'm not too optimistic at the moment.

 How i feel about it to.

I feel the exact same way...

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I put my anticipation on hold until moments like this. I'm still very hyped about it. I just hope the extra time has paid off like with any game delay.

Hey, so Spore might not be vaporware after all? Good news! Now we can start wondering if the game turns out to be as good as what was promised. This wouldn't be the first time a developer promised enormously ambitious, non-linear gameplay and fell a little short. (Fable, I'm looking at you.) Count me skeptical until proven otherwise.

I'm pretty sure that Spore was confirmed for Wii development last year. No clue if it will release at the same time as the PC version, naturally...

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Well, This game just needs to be fully there and unfortunately I see the Wii/DS versions being crippled in comparison.

PC version for me. It better not suck though.

Wouldn't it be great if this game was released on the same date as Duke Nukem Forever?

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