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Forums - Sony Discussion - Proof that the site is seriously undertracking PSP games in Others !!!

FishyJoe said:
hunter_alien said:

The DS is a great software seller , and in the top 100 there are much more DS games than PSP games . While only ~ 1% of PSP games are tracked I bet that at least 5-10 % of DS games are tracked , considering the ammount of games it has ...So overall the PSP should be % wise higher .


Ivader : dont you get it , no new games where actually even updated , thats why I gave the Wipeout/Pursuit Force example ... you just dont understand ?

Do you have any actual proof or are you guessing? It's sounds like you are pulling statistics out of your ass.

 No. The DS has last time I heard 900 games released in Europe , while the PSP has 500 ( probably the gap will only become bigger ) . So , seeing that there are more than 2 DS games tracked/week ( lol ) the PSP has a much smaller % of games tracked . Its simple as that . If you dont bealive me go and check some sites that have the number of games listed ( note : allways count a bit more games , because especially many europen exclusives are not reviewd ) .

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hunter_alien said:

No. The DS has last time I heard 900 games released in Europe , while the PSP has 500 ( probably the gap will only become bigger ) . So , seeing that there are more than 2 DS games tracked/week ( lol ) the PSP has a much smaller % of games tracked . Its simple as that . If you dont bealive me go and check some sites that have the number of games listed ( note : allways count a bit more games , because especially many europen exclusives are not reviewd ) .

Completely flawed analysis. Because if 80 DS titles chart, that leaves 820 titles selling off the charts. If 4 PSP titles chart, that means only 496 games are selling off the charts.

FishyJoe said:
hunter_alien said:

No. The DS has last time I heard 900 games released in Europe , while the PSP has 500 ( probably the gap will only become bigger ) . So , seeing that there are more than 2 DS games tracked/week ( lol ) the PSP has a much smaller % of games tracked . Its simple as that . If you dont bealive me go and check some sites that have the number of games listed ( note : allways count a bit more games , because especially many europen exclusives are not reviewd ) .

Completely flawed analysis. Because if 80 DS titles chart, that leaves 820 titles selling off the charts. If 4 PSP titles chart, that means only 480 games are selling off the charts.

 Now the 80 was from my ass actualy ... 


BTW : Ive checked Wikipedia : it lists 420 games released worldwide ( wich is totally inacurate because most Japanese and even US games are not listed ) . From that ~ 350 games are listed as released in the EU ( again not accurate because gmaes like Death To The Rights Reconing and 7 wonders was released in the EU ) . I would say thatf rom those games nearly 400 was released . The DS list is nearly 2x as long , so double is pretty accurate . 


Im not talking about actuall software sales , Im talking about tracking % . Yes the PSP is the last , but its still in a much higher posititon thna many putt it .  

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Tracking % of what? Without any data, there is no way to determine the percentage of sales for untracked titles. You're doing an analysis on something where no data exists. This mythical tracking % of untracked titles has no correlation to sales AFAIK.

Only you just prove Hunter Alien is that the PSP only has 4 games in the top 100. Just because it is not as low as VGC numbers has it at does not take away the fact that PSP software is terrible WW.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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Guys you know Hunter has a point.

"This week , the Others chart show us that only 14299 games where sold , and 49522 PSPs ... this would be a terrible attach ratio . "

if all the games are being tracked, the attach ratios would be a bit higher, and the psp's software sales would not look so "abyssmal"

which is why he said

"So please , before you yell : " OMG teh PSP haz no software salez !!!! " think about this thread , and maybe , just maybe I finally convinced some that the PSP is actually selling games ( not much , but enough to keep 3rd party support ) "

I dont know why Fishy must insist on bringing this topic to market share issues when the opening expressed no concern about that certain topic.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

wow damn good catch. i enjoy my psp and love sony bt we are still grasping at straws...even tho is is a pretty big straw lol.

bigjon said:
Only you just prove Hunter Alien is that the PSP only has 4 games in the top 100. Just because it is not as low as VGC numbers has it at does not take away the fact that PSP software is terrible WW.

OK , bealive what you want , but I note 2 things :


    1. Game sales in Others is usually much higher than in the US ( except MADDEN all games are selling batter : Tomb Raider , Pursuit Force , Need for Speed , PES , GTA ,  Sonic , The Golden Compass , Smackdown etc. ) .


    2. The PSP has many "stalkers"  in the US and even Japan ( games that are selling from 1-5k ) . Games like Tekken , GTA , Final Fantasy , Mortal Kombat , Hot Shot Golf , Need for Speed etc.


  Dont bealive me ? Fine , I really cant make you , and I really dont care ...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

iclim4 said:
Guys you know Hunter has a point.

"This week , the Others chart show us that only 14299 games where sold , and 49522 PSPs ... this would be a terrible attach ratio . "

if all the games are being tracked, the attach ratios would be a bit higher, and the psp's software sales would not look so "abyssmal"

which is why he says

"So please , before you yell : " OMG teh PSP haz no software salez !!!! " think about this thread , and maybe , just maybe I finally convinced some that the PSP is actually selling games ( not much , but enough to keep 3rd party support ) "

I dont know why Fishy must insist on bringing this topic to market share issues when the opening expressed no concern about that certain topic.

 Thanks for supporting :) I really needed it :)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Without any factual data to back up your beliefs, you are left with nothing except a fantasy.