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FishyJoe said:
hunter_alien said:

The DS is a great software seller , and in the top 100 there are much more DS games than PSP games . While only ~ 1% of PSP games are tracked I bet that at least 5-10 % of DS games are tracked , considering the ammount of games it has ...So overall the PSP should be % wise higher .


Ivader : dont you get it , no new games where actually even updated , thats why I gave the Wipeout/Pursuit Force example ... you just dont understand ?

Do you have any actual proof or are you guessing? It's sounds like you are pulling statistics out of your ass.

 No. The DS has last time I heard 900 games released in Europe , while the PSP has 500 ( probably the gap will only become bigger ) . So , seeing that there are more than 2 DS games tracked/week ( lol ) the PSP has a much smaller % of games tracked . Its simple as that . If you dont bealive me go and check some sites that have the number of games listed ( note : allways count a bit more games , because especially many europen exclusives are not reviewd ) .

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