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Area 51

LIS: both!

What would you rather own? A military aircraft, or an Arwing that can go over 9000 miles per second!

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Arwing that can go over 9000 miles per second and Tacos

Tokyo or Kyoto


Ohio or Ohello?


Boston or New York

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
Feel Free To Add Me Tag: LISMDK - Extremely bad taste in music

Boston Lobster

Video Games or Porns

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dog or cat?


Gears Of War or Halo 3

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
Feel Free To Add Me Tag: LISMDK - Extremely bad taste in music


do you call it
mobile phone or cell phone

cell phone

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waffles or pancakes?