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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pachter talks about vgchartz (video)

What if Pachter is one of us!!!


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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You know what, that's actually pretty cool. He was very fair in what he said.

Videokameras said:

He doesnt really sound like he likes vgchartz. But then again who is  i Never heard of him., i only listened to rogers even  though i didnt believe him when he said this year will be bad.

Anyway the vgchartz connections to retailers and to japan really make vgchartz interesting, now i want to be connected as well lol

I would think he did that because he still wants some kind of cred on gaf. Lol


Lol osed but i really never heard of him and to be honest i never listen to analyst anyways. If you study history and the .com boom, or any other big event u wouldnt also.

I mean really look at zachs it raised the Nintendo rating and one month after just because nintendo gave numbers it lowered it again alredy what unexpected was in the numbers nintendo gave? How can that be serious analysing?

Sorry for the double post

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Getting good words from an analyst; good shit.
Getting any words from Pachter; shit...

Nah, good PR, I'm sure.

The hand of Doom.

Ex Graphics Whore.

existenz2 said:

thanks for posting, that was an enjoyable show. Didnt say anything much about vgchartz that we didnt already know. (great jobs guys, one day you will be allowed to be referred to from NeoGaf..)

 lol Nothing would change. Everybody on gaf knows what vgc is and i guarantee that every "relevant" gaf member visits vgc for the numbers. Anybody who tries to deny it is a DAMN lie!

Wondering if that view from his office is even real.

enditall727 said:
existenz2 said:

thanks for posting, that was an enjoyable show. Didnt say anything much about vgchartz that we didnt already know. (great jobs guys, one day you will be allowed to be referred to from NeoGaf..)

 lol Nothing would change. Everybody on gaf knows what vgc is and i guarantee that every "relevant" gaf member visits vgc for the numbers. Anybody who tries to deny it is a DAMN lie!

Yup. The deafening silence almost every time someone asks for the source when sales numbers are posted on GAF is awesome :D