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Forums - Sony Discussion - the one thing that really bums me out about the ps3

mmnin said:
My big deal is no BC on the newer ones, and the fact that they keep coming out with bigger harddrive skews. I would want to get the best one regardless and don't want to buy just to be trumped by one with more features and bigger harddrive next year. I don't have $500 to throw out the window every year.

 maybe Sony should be more like Ninty. So far, the Wii has had ONE SKU ONLY!!!

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You're right, they WERE like that at the beginning of this gen. (I remember krazy Ken very well.....*shudder*) However, they are NOT like that now. While they aren't even CLOSE to perfect, they are significantly better than M$ at listening to their customers. Hell, they even set up a blog where they let PS3 and PSP owners know about stuff that's coming up and when you suggest stuff there, THEY ACTUALLY LISTEN!! (look through the archives of and you'll see what I mean.)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

iclim4 said:
madskillz said:

All I am saying is - if they were listening to the average joe on the street, that cat would have never made that $1,200 statement. That's a disconnect. And the PSP? It was the easiest path for the user interface. Why waste money on another interface when you have it made?

You can sit there and believe Sony - cool. I am not mad or concerned - and really don't care if you are blinded or not. But for me and quite a few gamers, we know the truth.


the truth? right.... arent we Mr.high and mighty.
If you have proof for this "truth" of yours, then show it.

just think about it.
If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about how ugly the boomerang controller looks, we should have gotten the boomerang instead of the SIXAXIS.

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about the lack of rumble, we should never be getting the Dualshock 3 then. - they said this was last-gen, right? It's a known fact that Sony left rumble out because of the Immersion suit. After it was settled, it reappears like a case of herpe simplex. Face it - it was the consumers' demands - it was about dodging Immersion.

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about not having in game XMB, they wouldnt have announced that they were making it. - as I stated earlier, it was easy to just port the XMB from the PSP, not because folks were ranting about it. Cost to develop a new interface vs. using the PSP one - zip.

thats far from your claim

"Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation."

I dont know what made you feel that way, but I think we have enough evidence here to prove that your claim is false and that Sony listens to gamers to some extent. Now you can sit there and believe Sony doesn't care one bit about their customers - cool. I am not mad or concerned - and really don't care if you are blinded or not...... yeah right back at you... False? Are you on the Sony payroll? If Sony had cared, they would have never:

Pimped their PS brand to push Blu Ray

They wouldn't have placed their bets on the chance that Blu Ray may or may not have won the format war (see UMD, BetaMax, Minidiscs and that whack ATRAC format)

Never, ever would have considered axing rumble just because of a lawsuit

Wouldn't have dropped a core value like BC just to stop the bleeding.

Sony's a joke - and then, to make matter worse, they are using profits from the PS2 and PSP just to keep the PS3's losses from dragging the gaming division down.

Daily, I am convinced that Sony's win last-gen was just pure luck, based on folks buying their PS brand and not based on intelligence.

Lastly, I am rather calm. Maybe a coorespondence course in basic English Lit would help you understand tone and such. 

tastyshovelware said:
Well, if you stopped reading, you probably missed the point of the article and what so many others are agreeing with.

i read it and got the point and whatever people are agreeing with does not mean its true.

You are comparing ps1, and ps2 (with over 1 THOUSAND GAMES EACH!!!) that have been out for 7 seven years PLUS to a new sysytem thats only been out for a year in ony TWO regions and half a year in the other...... thats kinda stupid...

Retrasado said:
You're right, they WERE like that at the beginning of this gen. (I remember krazy Ken very well.....*shudder*) However, they are NOT like that now. While they aren't even CLOSE to perfect, they are significantly better than M$ at listening to their customers. Hell, they even set up a blog where they let PS3 and PSP owners know about stuff that's coming up and when you suggest stuff there, THEY ACTUALLY LISTEN!! (look through the archives of and you'll see what I mean.)

You make some good points. What I am saying is if they were listening to gamers, following news - not their own sources, they would have realized before they released the PS3 it was gonna flop like John Kerry and would have lowered the price initially instead of descending into a panic and releasing so many skus that even retailers were confused.

Look at the PS1, PS2 and PS3 and how Sony reacts. They said that millions of folks would buy it without games just because of the brand. That's a horrible mentality. As a gamer, we deserve better. We deserve to have a console released that will have a good library - will be reasonable priced and offer something more than potential. If I wanted potential, I'd invest in saving bonds.

In the end, folks will buy a PS3 because it's a PS. It's a sad reality. 

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Dno said:

i read it and got the point and whatever people are agreeing with does not mean its true.

You are comparing ps1, and ps2 (with over 1 THOUSAND GAMES EACH!!!) that have been out for 7 seven years PLUS to a new sysytem thats only been out for a year in ony TWO regions and half a year in the other...... thats kinda stupid...

I understand that the ps3 is still in its early stages, but there is a world of difference between the variety of games you found on the ps2 and ps3. Even after one year.

I understand why it is the way it is. Game costs are high, and developers need to market games they know will sell to people the know will buy. I'm just not pleased about it. 

However, if you can list games to counter my point (taking into account you know what it means to not be a big budget, main stream focused game), please share.

madskillz said:

Lastly, I am rather calm. Maybe a coorespondence course in basic English Lit would help you understand tone and such. 

Wow personal insults, I really thought people here are bigger than that.
frankly im disappointed. plus I didnt even say you weren't calm in that post.
weird how you would backtrack to another more earlier post that you already replied to just to find something wrong with my english. you're grasping...

I only said the "my my calm down" post because you were over eager to prove your "non bias".

I posted this comment
iclim4 said:
Why are you so bitter? do you need a hug?

IMO Sony does listen to their customers.
Lots of psp added features are asked by the customers.
themes, wallpapers, skype, playing music while browsing pictures and a bunch of others.

how about the ps3?
The boomerang, Divx, themes, wallpapers, rumble, soon to be in-game-xmb

yes sony does listen to their customers


then you suddenly give me this comment, which was an obvious attempt to say
"hey I own sony consoles, I'm not biased, my posts are all neutral"
when I didnt accuse you of anything, of course I'd tell you to calm down.

madskillz said:
Dude, I've bought Sony stuff since the PS1 (I got it at launch - spent over $500) and recently had 2 PS3s - and I see both MS and Sony for who they are. Both are in it to win it, but Sony has PROVEN they don't listen. You don't believe me? Look at this ...

Jack Tretton, Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO, has always been good for some mind-blowing quotes begging to be written down by any journalist within earshot. However, nothing, and we mean nothing, can compare to the latest one in EGM's March issue: "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it."

I still have this issue - I was ROTFL and looking for an address to collect my $1,200. I was already shafted by not getting my 40 acres and a mule, and I wasn't gonna get shafted on this deal. My local Wal-Mart had 5-6 on the shelf just 3 weeks after launch.

There's a huge - HUGE disconnect between Sony and gamers. Why should they listen to you? You will buy their crap regardless. They know some folks are so clueless that even after reading a statement like this - "We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games," Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview - and that happened, but not as fast as they woulda liked. I saw the quote and just laughed. They are so high in that ivory tower, they need to be humbled.

It's not that I have beef with the PS3 - it's a good machine - not great, but good - but I have a prob with Sony and their arrogance and disconnect from gamers. I just can't believe how many have fell for the PS3 trap. A show of hands - How many of you bought a PS3 for a game that was currently out or for a game in the future? You'll be shocked how many folks got duped. I bought it to expand my game review coverage. I wanted full BC and got it. If I were a gamer and nothing else, I would have waited for it to drop to $250 and really closer to $199.

Its like me asking:
Me: Hey how are you doing?
Person: I didnt steal anything, im innocent, see I have money...
of course I'd tell him to calm down...

that analogy might be extreme but it fits well.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

madskillz said:
iclim4 said:

the truth? right.... arent we Mr.high and mighty.
If you have proof for this "truth" of yours, then show it.

just think about it.
If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about how ugly the boomerang controller looks, we should have gotten the boomerang instead of the SIXAXIS.

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about the lack of rumble, we should never be getting the Dualshock 3 then. - they said this was last-gen, right? It's a known fact that Sony left rumble out because of the Immersion suit. After it was settled, it reappears like a case of herpe simplex. Face it - it was the consumers' demands - it was about dodging Immersion.

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about not having in game XMB, they wouldnt have announced that they were making it. - as I stated earlier, it was easy to just port the XMB from the PSP, not because folks were ranting about it. Cost to develop a new interface vs. using the PSP one - zip.

thats far from your claim

"Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation."

I dont know what made you feel that way, but I think we have enough evidence here to prove that your claim is false and that Sony listens to gamers to some extent. Now you can sit there and believe Sony doesn't care one bit about their customers - cool. I am not mad or concerned - and really don't care if you are blinded or not...... yeah right back at you... False? Are you on the Sony payroll? If Sony had cared, they would have never:

Pimped their PS brand to push Blu Ray

They wouldn't have placed their bets on the chance that Blu Ray may or may not have won the format war (see UMD, BetaMax, Minidiscs and that whack ATRAC format)

Never, ever would have considered axing rumble just because of a lawsuit

Wouldn't have dropped a core value like BC just to stop the bleeding.

Sony's a joke - and then, to make matter worse, they are using profits from the PS2 and PSP just to keep the PS3's losses from dragging the gaming division down.

Daily, I am convinced that Sony's win last-gen was just pure luck, based on folks buying their PS brand and not based on intelligence.

Lastly, I am rather calm. Maybe a coorespondence course in basic English Lit would help you understand tone and such. 

Again my points that sony listens.

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about how ugly the boomerang controller looks, we should have gotten the boomerang instead of the SIXAXIS. (conveniently ignored?)

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about the lack of rumble, we should never be getting the Dualshock 3 then. -

madskillz said:

they said this was last-gen, right? It's a known fact that Sony left rumble out because of the Immersion suit. After it was settled, it reappears like a case of herpe simplex. Face it - it was the consumers' demands - it was about dodging Immersion.

Yeah it was obvious they took out rumble because of the Immersion lawsuit. They thought they could get away with it but gamers demanded rumble.Do you think they would eat their own words and release rumble now If the consumers didnt demand for it? Its extra expenses, Their adding extra parts in the Sixaxis and selling them for the same price, why would they do that If the customers didnt ask for it?

If sony didnt listen to their customers complaining about not having in game XMB, they wouldnt have announced that they were making it. -

madskillz said:Z
as I stated earlier, it was easy to just port the XMB from the PSP, not because folks were ranting about it. Cost to develop a new interface vs. using the PSP one - zip.

The psp doesnt have in game XMB, what are you talking about?... Its an Xbox360 feature that gamers who bought a ps3 wanted. Sony listened, and promised its coming this year.

madskillz said:Z
False? Are you on the Sony payroll?

No, I just decided, to shed some info on someone who had false assumptions about a certain company.
I would have done the same to anybody or anything that I have sufficient information about.

FinalEvangelion and bbsin seem to agree with me and Retrasado(thanks by-the-way guys) has bought up some nice points about Sony listening
and you still insist.

madskillz said:Z
Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation.

Again, I think we have enough evidence here to prove that your claim is false and that Sony listens to gamers to some extent.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

*~Onna76~* said:
iclim4 said:
didnt you plan on importing disgaea?
and from the japan psn, i downloaded this weird game.
it acts like an anime tactics strategy game.
maybe that might tickle your fancy?

 To update you, I no longer buy Japanese import, only US or European from now on. So to answer your question, I'm not planning to import Disgaea 3, unless its the US version And... that can take a while. 

I always assumed you knew how to speak japanese for some odd reason.
If its not too personal, why do you no longer import japanese games?
I seem to remember you importing some Japanese games before, why the change?


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

this page has become crazy with quote boxes.