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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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curl-6 said:

Samus deciding what to wear for the day, courtesy of deviantart

Lol at Wii Fit trainer. What's the link?

Around the Network
XanderXT said:
How much money do I need for a imported New 3DS from Australia?

What currency??

They are $220 and $250 AU depending on size. And don't forget shipping.

ktay95 said:
XanderXT said:
How much money do I need for a imported New 3DS from Australia?

What currency??

They are $220 and $250 AU depending on size. And don't forget shipping.

I'm using Philippine Peso.

XanderXT said:
ktay95 said:
XanderXT said:
How much money do I need for a imported New 3DS from Australia?

What currency??

They are $220 and $250 AU depending on size. And don't forget shipping.

I'm using Philippine Peso.

8700 or 9900. I rounded up a bit. Hopefully that's right.

ktay95 said:
XanderXT said:
ktay95 said:
XanderXT said:
How much money do I need for a imported New 3DS from Australia?

What currency??

They are $220 and $250 AU depending on size. And don't forget shipping.

I'm using Philippine Peso.

8700 or 9900. I rounded up a bit. Hopefully that's right.

That's cheaper than a PSVita. I guess bye bye Vita.

Around the Network
Slarvax said:
So guys. I think I got the most epic and awkward story.

So I was in guitar classes, learning a song and practicing, and I was there with a guy. The way those classes works is, we have 2 rooms and our professor has to check on both at times. While he's in another room we practice or play whatever. So I started to play a SoTC song (Revived Power), and I think the guy recognized it, so he started playing Saria's song! Then I played Dark World, he played Song of Storms, I played the Zelda main theme and he joined me! Then I played the Song of Time, and he finished with Zelda's lullaby. It was like a guitar battle: Zelda Themed! So epic, yet so awkward...

that sounds pretty cool :)

that sound pretty cool *facepalm*

ktay95 said:
XanderXT said:
How much money do I need for a imported New 3DS from Australia?

What currency??

They are $220 and $250 AU depending on size. And don't forget shipping.

when i ll return to europe,i will import it:P the question is:from where?ebay or amazon au doesnt sell consoles and when you buy something that costs above 35$ the postage is free, too pity that amazon au doesnt sell consoles :( :P

curl-6 said:

Samus deciding what to wear for the day, courtesy of deviantart

Thanks for posting this! It's pretty cool!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

spurgeonryan said:
Does a cwpture card have to be connected to a pc and tv at the same time to capture or record?

There are many different capture devices. Some record the footage on PC (external boxes via HDMI or internal PCI(-E) cards), others can save it on internal or external HDDs.

Nintendo news of 28/09/2014: I'm back. But I think my Twitter doesn't want to cooperate (that means, it might have skept a time of the day. Somewhere between 9 AM and 4 AM ET. Not many news there though, so worry not)

  • The second (and best ever) TV ad for the N3DS in Japan!
  • *SPOILER ALERT* There's apparently an amazing Star Fox easter egg in Bayo2. (I guess there needs to be some spoiler alert...)
  • Some Epona DLC was announced for HyWa... Oops?
  • Further proof that Smash U will launch on 21st November!

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988