Max King of the Wild said:
J_Allard said: I seem to remember a Sony exec giving an interview first claiming that these bullshit "offline passes" won't be allowed on PS4, then later admitted that 3rd party publishers can actually do whatever they want. But, however, when stacked up against 1st party games not having any sort of used game DRM, the publishers would follow suit. Well so much for that idea I guess. |
You remember incorrectly because Sony has stated from the begining its up to the dev/publisher
Nah, I remember correctly.
Gamasutra was able to speak to Scott Rohde, software product development head for Sony Worldwide Studios America to gain further clarity on the matter:
We've already come right out and said we're not going to allow online pass. And the word "allow" is key there. Specifically with online, with PS+ requiring a charge to play online, we would not want any publisher [to charge.]
In general, we're all businesses. Sony or Microsoft is never going to be able to tell EA or Activision exactly what they can do. What we like to say at PlayStation is that we set the precedent. The way we are approaching this is that we want this to be extremely consumer-friendly, extremely retailer-friendly, and extremely publisher-friendly. My personal opinion is that it's hard for me to believe that any major publisher is going to put an extra set of used DRM onto game titles because that wouldn't put them in a good spot, right?
So he began by saying that Sony was in fact "not allowing" online pass, but later admitted that they actually are allowing 3rd parties to do whatever they want. I am not trying to say this was some widespread official policy by Sony. As my post said, it was an interview. But the part that made me laugh the most was the last part, where he says publishers will see some games not having online passes and decide not to use them. That they are basically going to try and cleanse the market of online passes (by doing the same thing MS does: not utilize online passes when their online play is pay to play). It is apparently not working.