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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony explains why DualShock 4 dropped touchscreen

cbarroso09 said:

So, they didn't have the balls to do something new. I mean, it's all about risk, they certainly can't take one more anymore. 

i think you are confusing courage with stupidity. Because sony were not stupid enough to add a touch screen. 

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pokoko said:
I'm very satisfied with that decision. I haven't seen anything yet on the Wii U that makes me care about touch-screen controllers yet and I'm more than willing to trade that for a cheaper price. Different doesn't always equate to better.

That's why I'm happy with my PS3 and Wii U Pro Controller :3

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

NobleTeam360 said:

And they saw that the gimmick wasn't attracting players on the Wii U.

You obviously don't have a Wii's no the touch pad on the back of my Vita....that's much more of a gimmick.  The only game I've really used the back touch pad for was Jetpack Joyride and a button would work just as well.

Stop hating and start playing.

arcane_chaos said:
it looked to small to be really useful...but isn't KZ; SF suppose to use the touchscreen?

The DS4 will have a _touchpad_, but they were experimenting with a _touchscreen_, which they dropped.

JoeTheBro said:


As vita gets cheaper over the years and the amount of casuals playing the system increases, it can take over and act as Sony's gamepad equivalent for those innovative titles.

cbarroso09 said:

So, they didn't have the balls to do something new. I mean, it's all about risk, they certainly can't take one more anymore. 

I can't help but feel you're only saying that because you love Nintendo.

First off the screen wouldn't be new since Nintendo already did it.

Secondly, they have a touchpad, got rid of the select button, added a share button, and replaced player numbers with player colors. That's a lot of risk.

I only love persons not objects. I said something new, it doesn't have to be like the gamepad at all. But watching the "nostalgia" TV ad from Playstation, I realized that the console hasn't changed at all, neither the games. Every PS hardware experience has been replaced by the next one because of that same thing I am saying, it is the same hardware with better technology. For the last 20 years, Playstation hardware has only changed from CD's to DVD's to Blu Rays to a small touch pad that so far hasn't been shown in action 1 month before it is launched. Not even a demo.

But if that is what gamers want they will open their wallets to buy the PS4. That is not bad, it doesn't have to be like I say. It is just my opinion, and i am not hating anything here. Just expressing my thoughts.

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Suke said:
pokoko said:
I'm very satisfied with that decision. I haven't seen anything yet on the Wii U that makes me care about touch-screen controllers yet and I'm more than willing to trade that for a cheaper price. Different doesn't always equate to better.

That's why I'm happy with my PS3 and Wii U Pro Controller :3

Buy a Wii U and try it.  The more we use it, the more we love it.

Stop hating and start playing. guys got me before I could edit!!!

they want you to buy the vita for features that need a screen.

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse

cbarroso09 said:

So, they didn't have the balls to do something new. I mean, it's all about risk, they certainly can't take one more anymore. 

Sometimes improving on the foundations of the past is better than building something completely new. Even Nintendo knows that. *points finger at 3DS*

Whilst I'm glad they went in this would have been interesting to see. I mean, I really like the Wii U GamePad, and having something like that, even if optional, would be pretty neat.

I guess it's called a "Vita", though.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.