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Forums - Sales Discussion - USA Pre-Order Charts, October 19th

I bet, regardless of HW sales, Destiny will eventually have higher pre-orders on Xb one.

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So many COD games on the list...

Surprised by Watch Dogs. Are people still preordering despite the delay?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

People are still pre-ordering the last gaurdian

XxGame4lifexX said:

I feel a little bad for killzone, it should have higher pre orders seeing how ps4 doesnt have many retail launch titles.
forza 5. DR3 and Ryse are doing good seeing how there are more retail games to pre order.

I hope infamous does well cuz its my fav sony franchise.

Maybe delaying Drive club wasn't a bad idea after all, now killzone will get the necessary sales as the only retail exclusive.  On the other hand, launching the console with 3 exclusive will only eat up sales through each other instead of releasing the games separately throughout the year.

Looks like KZ:SF will be a massive hit.

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CGI-Quality said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
^^^^ there are more retail xbox one games than ps4

There are? Source please.

Never mind, did my own digging:

Confirmed Day One (PS4):


1 Retail
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag [3] Ubisoft
2 Retail
Battlefield 4 [4] DICE
3 Retail Call of Duty: Ghosts* Infinity Ward
4 Retail FIFA 14* EA Sports
5 Retail Just Dance 2014 [12] Ubisoft
6 Retail Killzone Shadow Fall [13] Guerilla Games
7 Retail Knack [14]
SCE Japan Studio
8 Retail LEGO Marvel Super Heroes* TT Games
9 Retail Madden NFL 25* EA Sports
10 Retail NBA 2K14* Visual Concepts
11 Retail NBA Live 14* EA Sports
12 Retail Need for Speed: Rivals* Ghost, Criterion
13 Retail Skylanders Swap Force* Vicarious Visions

Confirmed Day One Xbox One Games:


1 Retail
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag [4] Ubisoft
2 Retail
Battlefield 4 [5] DICE
3 Retail
Call of Duty: Ghosts[6] Infinity Ward
4 Retail
Dead Rising 3 [8] Capcom
5 Retail
FIFA 14 [9] EA Sports
6 Retail Fighter Within [10] AMA, Ltd.
7 Retail
Forza Motorsport 5[11] Turn 10
8 Retail
Just Dance 2014 [12] Ubisoft
9 Retail
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes [14] TT Games
10 Retail
Madden NFL 25 [16] EA Sports
11 Retail
NBA 2K14 [17] Visual Concepts
12 Retail
NBA Live 14 [18] EA Sports
13 Retail
Need for Speed: Rivals [19] Ghost, Criterion
14 Retail
Ryse: Son of Rome[21]
15 Retail
Skylanders: Swap Force [22] Vicarious Visions

16 Retail
Zoo Tycoon [23]
Frontier Developments

17 Retail
Zumba Fitness: World Party [24]
Zoe Mode

I made if fair and removed PSN/LIVE/Download titles, which would have provided a massive PS4 lead.

Oops, i meant exclusive wise. 

Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

Angelv577 said:
XxGame4lifexX said:

I feel a little bad for killzone, it should have higher pre orders seeing how ps4 doesnt have many retail launch titles.
forza 5. DR3 and Ryse are doing good seeing how there are more retail games to pre order.

I hope infamous does well cuz its my fav sony franchise.

Maybe delaying Drive club wasn't a bad idea after all, now killzone will get the necessary sales as the only retail exclusive.  On the other hand, launching the console with 3 exclusive will only eat up sales through each other instead of releasing the games separately throughout the year.


Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

Killzone: SF
Knack (this isn't really a big game like KZ)
Driveclub was delayed
what else?
dont list games that are already on pc or psn only games

Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

Killzone SF

Forza 5
KI (yes they will release a retail game)
EDIT: oh and crimson dragon i believe

As far as i understand PSN only games can't be tracked in terms of sales.
Less retail games means more pre-orders......its simple.

I was just pointing out as to why people keep saying Killzone SF has more pre-orders than xbox one games. There is the answer. 

Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

XxGame4lifexX said:

Killzone SF

Forza 5
KI (yes they will release a retail game)
EDIT: oh and crimson dragon i believe

As far as i understand PSN only games can't be tracked in terms of sales.
Less retail games means more pre-orders......its simple.

I was just pointing out as to why people keep saying Killzone SF has more pre-orders than xbox one games. There is the answer. 

Killzone should probably have higher preorders since it's the only retail exclusive game for sony but you're missing others points to consider, the game is a FPS and is competing with 2 of the best shoothers available at launch, so for me, it's still impressive peeople choosing it over battlefield and COD.