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Angelv577 said:
XxGame4lifexX said:

I feel a little bad for killzone, it should have higher pre orders seeing how ps4 doesnt have many retail launch titles.
forza 5. DR3 and Ryse are doing good seeing how there are more retail games to pre order.

I hope infamous does well cuz its my fav sony franchise.

Maybe delaying Drive club wasn't a bad idea after all, now killzone will get the necessary sales as the only retail exclusive.  On the other hand, launching the console with 3 exclusive will only eat up sales through each other instead of releasing the games separately throughout the year.


Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so.