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Forums - Sales Discussion - USA Pre-Order Charts, October 19th

Nice to see Infamous getting into the list! Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

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increase total
X360 312,551 1,733,424
PS3 197,781 1,336,556
3DS 11,728 52,201
(Wii) 0 0
WiiU 0 0
PS4 115,168 1,583,687
Xone 110,413 1,100,922
Vita 0 0

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse

1. PS4 version of all multiplats other than COD is doing better than the X1 versions even MADDEN which doesn't make sense for the official game system of the NFL
2. Knack actually doing respectable
3. Infamous is gonna be fairly big if it's this high already
4. FFX HD still hasn't come out???
5. KZ is the only non AC/COD/BF to breach the top 10 and is doing about as well as all 3 big X1 exclusives combined.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Gehirnkrampf said:


  increase total
X360 312,551 1,733,424
PS3 197,781 1,336,556
3DS 11,728 52,201
(Wii) 0 0
WiiU 0 0
PS4 115,168 1,583,687
Xone 110,413 1,100,922
Vita 0 0

Oh thanks, that's much better to make conclusions.

If this preorders are trustworthy, Ps4 sholud have around a 50% advantage on sales at launch in USA. Xbox one made a huge comeback from e3, but if ps4 still sells around 50% more at launch, is a huge success for sony.

Nice to see inFAMOUS on the charts. I thought it would never make it.




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will be interesting to see xbox one and ps4 sales in usa till the end of the year. i believe 360 and ps3 sold almost the same in the year of their release. and both much worse as it seems to be this time as long as they have enough consoles.

J_Allard said:
Feel sorry for those wasting money on next gen Madden 25.

It wasn't long ago when BF4 was ahead of CoD on this chart, was it? I remember some talk about that. Is there no Ghosts on WiiU?

Ghost will bomb on wii u

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

iceboy151 said:
Nice to see inFAMOUS on the charts. I thought it would never make it.

It was weird, and the same about TitanFall... Destiny even on Xbox One is more preordered than TitanFall, and considering TitanFall is the greatest and most original game ever seen and played by most journalists.....

colafitte said:
iceboy151 said:
Nice to see inFAMOUS on the charts. I thought it would never make it.

It was weird, and the same about TitanFall... Destiny even on Xbox One is more preordered than TitanFall, and considering TitanFall is the greatest and most original game ever seen and played by most journalists.....

but destiny is from bungie! in a normal world it would be the most pre-ordered game!

crissindahouse said:
but destiny is from bungie! in a normal world it would be the most pre-ordered game!


.....and looks and feels more interesting and next gen than TitanFall. I don't get what people see in that game, of course looks fun, but will work and look the same on x360.