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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Turok Completed Months Ago, Delayed due to PS3 - Yet, It's still crap...

I didn't expect a "AAA" game. maybe a "A" or at best a "AA" game.

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The problem is the FPS pool has become so crowded, it takes more than just a name to distinguish it in sales. Halo is arguably the only franchise that bucked this trend. I still fail to see a huge level of evolution to the series relative to its commercial success in sales.

The extremely lackluster sales of UTIII, one of the most refined FPS titles in terms of visuals, seems to support this. Longer history than Halo, but only a fraction of the sales. I would rather play Gears 2 with UTIII level visuals, and based upon UTIII sales, I don't think I'm alone in that boat. It remains to be seen how UTIII will do on the 360, but the late release will very likely have a detrimental effect on sales.

After playing the preview for Turok, I can't say there was much of anything about it that distinguished it from available or forthcoming FPS releases. Who knows? It may have actually sold better if it had beaten the holiday line up rush to retail rather than releasing just as peak sales have subsided.

Developers need to learn to use the PS3 for the lead platform, the game ends up better all on consoles that way.

How is 230k in the first 2 weeks bad sales?

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.