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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is 2008, the beginning of the end for the XBox 360?

@d21Lewis: We're all going to die! At some point...

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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Obviously your a salivating PS3 fanboy ... from reviews I have read, The Orange Box does not run as well on the PS3 as it does on the 360. In fact, most multiplatform games do run and look better on the 360. I have found this to be true as I own both systems and find the 360 versions in general look and run better.

My suggestion to you is not to let hate cloud your judgment ... you really come off as a fool you know lol.

You Sony fanboys are a laughable lot. You talk of things you know nothing about ... I am really ashamed I own a PS3 when I observe the likes of you. Your arguments (?) are nothing but rantings and ravings of ill-tempered little children who suffer from massive insecurity. Your grammer is atrocious and your spelling begs a return for some remedial upgrading. This has to be some mild form of retardation; I can think of no other cause for this blatant disease called fanboyism. When I read this drivel I return to my 360 and its vast collection of superior software.


The 360 will continue to have some wonderful exclusive titles at least through to 2010 when Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2 are released (not to mention Halo 4 and Perfect Dark 2 somewhere in the middle there). Things to look forward to between now and then include at least a year of slightly superior multi-platform games, the next Viva Pinata, Too Human, BK3, Fable 2, Gears of War 2 and maybe 3 in 2010, Alan Wake, new IP, PGR5, Forza 3, and the probably excellent Kameo 2.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

And until Final Fantasy hits (and perhaps even up until Versus), the Xbox 360 will continue to have easily the highest quality library of JRPG's.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Also something Legend11 said in another thread just made me think, we may even see another Conker's Bad Fur Day on the 360

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Long story short, my Xbox 360 will continue to have a wealth of quality games to play, and it will remain the highest quality game line-up/catalogue of any console for at least another year or two until the Wii takes over (assuming third parties really do get to grips with the control system).

Whilst the Xbox 360 will not sell gangbusters this compelling software will result in it having a reasonably long and profitable life, moving a fair few systems at mass market prices.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

mrstickball said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:

With poor console sales figures in its first two years. One in 3 failure rate for hardware. Its main competitors Nintendo and Sony released one year after, one of which (Wii) has already passed the XBox 360 console sales. The best list of video games for 2007 (including Bioshock and Halo 3) , which failed to increase console sales. A mediocre list of exclusive titles for 2008. What does the future hold for Microsoft's XBox 360?

I currently own an XBox 360 and I am deciding on trading the XBox 360 in for a Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii may not have the graphical edge but least the games are fun to play and are not all FPS (PS3 and XBox 360)

Your analysis is entirely wrong in nearly every regard.

#1. The Xbox 360 didn't have poor console sales it's first 2 years. Yes, they are mediocre in some respects, but definately not poor. The Xbox 360, in the same timeframe, has sold 3.5 million more units than it's predicessor, the Xbox. Not only this, but the Xbox 360 is still very expensive, with the "standard" model being $350, whereas the Xbox was no more than $199 at this time.

#2. The Wii has passed the X360 despite being released a year early - but exactly how does that negatively effect the X360? It doesn't. Any system that would of released a year early - such as the PS3, would of still lost to the Wii's sales.

#3. The "best list" of 2007 X360 games did indeed move consoles - did you notice that the X360 beat the Wii out in September, with over 500,000 consoles sold in North America alone? That's a fairly large effect, considering the X360 sold half of that the previous year in Sept.

#4. Year over year, the Xbox 360 is well ahead of every previous year, and has not changed. In Oct-December in 2006, the Xbox 360 sold 3.308 million units. In 2007, the same period, the Xbox 360 sold 4.137 million units. This is despite the 2006 year having an extra week of sales. That extra 800,000 Xbox 360's sold in 2007, during that time, is significant, no?

#5. Even this year thus far, the Xbox 360 is up about 15% - 706,000 units to 599,000 units worldwide from the first week of January, to the most recent full week of reporting.

#6. This "mediocre list of exclusives" is one of the most atrocious jokes you've played thus far. Fable 2 was the 2nd best-selling exclusive IP the Xbox had (and the 2nd best selling non-Halo game the Xbox had). Alan Wake, Ninja Gaiden 2, Halo Wars, and Banjo Kazooie 3 are all very critical titles that will ship this year. Although none are Halo-level of sales, games like Alan Wake, Banjo Kazooie 3, and Ninja Gaiden 2 are very critical to diversifying the Xbox 360 library at the exclusive IP level.

#7. I really am not understanding why you choose to complain about the Xbox 360 being "all FPS" games. I have yet to see your name pop up in the Microsoft Xbox 360 forums here. If you've ever been to that forum, there is litterally no discussion about upcoming FPS games, and the vast majority of games that the X360 owners play here are RPGs, and other non-FPS games. If you dislike the Xbox 360 library, your not looking very hard. It still has the most diverse lineup of games, and the most solid assortment of RPGs, Racers, Action/Adventure games, Horror, Real-Time Strategy, and Simulation.

 1) For a console that had the market to itself for the first year, its sales were rather dismal. Outside of N. America, they were horrendous.

2) the 360 would have had a better chance of keeping its lead had it not nullified ever advantage it got by launching early. 

3) It beat the Wii for one month in N. America only, and that required Halo 3. Of course it's going to sell significantly more than the same month of the previous year when its biggest franchise is released.

4) This is trivial at best in and of itself and because we're talking about very small numbers. 

5) Again, 15% doesn't really mean much, and neither does 3.5 million over the Xbox at this point in its lifetime. It's the same as adding a few million more onto the lifetime sales of the N64 or Gamecube.

6) Those games will probably sell well, but to the userbase. None of them are proven system sellers, and one is a brand new IP that could end up being a flop.

7) The 360's best-selling and most popular games are shooters, sports games, and racing sims. It has a few token games in the other genres, but nothing to write home about. Every RPG on the 360 has been an unmitigated failure as far as sales and/or notoriety is concerned, it's just now getting a respectable action/adventure game(Devil May Cry 4), and after more than two years on the market, it still doesn't have a single platformer. 

All that being said, I don't think the 360 will face any doom in 2008, but its hardware sales will probably stagnate.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

What I find interesting is the paradox of game library and lineup. Last years winner by far had the weakest lineup of all three, and had the least variation in titles. The 360 didn't win last year in spite of having the hands down best lineup. You can talk about your best titles on the other two consoles, but the truth was Microsoft had many more high quality titles. They also had the greatest variation and depth.

That didn't slow down Nintendo who couldn't even come through with their holy trinity, or kill off Sony which couldn't seem to get its big exclusive games out the door even for the holiday season. So if lineup is so critical to success why is it that perhaps at best it was a secondary consideration last year, or at worst wasn't even a factor for most consumers.

When someone tells me that the PS3 will dominate the competition thanks to its lineup I ask this question. Why should it matter this year if it didn't matter all that much last year. I only saw two sales surges last year in regards to games. The first was Hot Shots Golf in Japan which pulled the PS3 back from fabulously dismal sales. Mock Microsoft if you like they have more of an excuse. Then there was Halo 3 which really boosted Microsoft's sales up until the holiday season. Both titles moved hardware. Beyond them however there wasn't much. You couldn't even argue that Mario moved hardware, because its quite possible that the machines would have sold without him.

When I look at the probable lineups for this year. Which I admit is speculative until Nintendo, and Microsoft announce what their exclusives will be for the second half, and until Sony commits to release dates. Well I am not seeing any player lacking in software this year. The lineups are at least comparable. The quality gap that existed last year probably won't be seen this year.

For example if you said last year Microsoft had twenty, Sony had eight, and Nintendo had five. Sony might have twenty this year, Microsoft might have sixteen, and Nintendo might have twelve. The difference is not terribly significant when compared to how large it was the previous year when it didn't seem to matter all that much.

I will tell you what seems to have mattered the most last year. No it wasn't system specifications, or the game libraries, nor was it a name brand. What mattered was the advertising. How stoked your advertising could get undecided consumers about your product. Nintendo marketed a family togetherness gimmick meets martial arts in your living room. You know what it worked really well, and on the other end of the spectrum for the first half of last year Sony had perhaps the worst advertising, and you saw how their machine was selling during that time. I don't think its a coincidence. Then there was Microsoft's media spectacle that was Halo 3. From non stop commercials to cough syrup flavored cola.

That might be the most important thing about any game lineup is conveying its power to the ignorant masses. Trying to sweep them up into a fervor of needing to have it even if they have no clue what it is. All Nintendo or Microsoft has to do is spin what they have into marketing gold.


That is an interesting point. Whilst Sony's big guns this year are fairly high-profile, there is no reason to think they will do much more for the PS3 than the Xbox 360's line-up did for it last year.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS