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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Mexico in

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We have a big videogame market in mexico, from the middle class up, we might be a little late to the party some times but others we do get consoles at launch.

Besides, xbox360 is big here, because they have actually put time and money into its advertisement and they have good packages and great prices.

(360 premium is the same price as the wii here)

and answering to your question but in regards to people in vgchartz, there are lots of mexicans here, from the top of my head, fazz, manuelg, solracbit and myself, but ive seen many more.

They should change it from America (On the site) to N. America, to remove some confusion.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

I have no doubt that Mexico might be a big market for the 360, but I'm also sure all 360s there are eventually modded and most people buy the illegal version of all games. It was that way during the PS domination era.

What are you looking at, nerd?
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StanGable said:
I have no doubt that Mexico might be a big market for the 360, but I'm also sure all 360s there are eventually modded and most people buy the illegal version of all games. It was that way during the PS domination era.

Modded 360's get banned from Live. So any big multiplayer such as Halo, Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box will be pretty much useless if pirated.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


gebx said:
StanGable said:
I have no doubt that Mexico might be a big market for the 360, but I'm also sure all 360s there are eventually modded and most people buy the illegal version of all games. It was that way during the PS domination era.

Modded 360's get banned from Live. So any big multiplayer such as Halo, Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box will be pretty much useless if pirated.

 First, they don't care that much about online... second, as far as I know there is way to keep unbanned...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Oh, trust me, when I can buy the same game everyone else for $5 (like Bioshock) I so will be there to get it. In Mexico people are not crazy about having the original case and instruction manual, its all about the cheapest price specially since everything is three times as much when it comes to exports like electronics. Online really hasn't taken off in Mexico either. I mean, internet cafes are still a big business there so that pretty much shows that not that many people have access to the internet, much less broadband

What are you looking at, nerd?
BKK2 said:
Interesting, could you supply a link or source to where MS said this? It will be helpful for accurately defining a range for Mexican 360 sales (or shipments, depending on what they said).

The firt is from feb 28 2007 and says between 4 and 6 and the second  say number 4 right after halo 3 lauch. So the second one is newest. And both are in spanish so, i will try to transale some parts.

 First link: "Jaime limon (product manager for xbox mexico) says than the mexican market for xbox is currently between number 4 and 6 in sales worldwide for xbox"

 Second link: "In the case of Mexico, beginning with the launch of XBOX, the compound annual growth of the video game industry has been 51 per cent and is expected to close sales this year in excess of the $ 550 million". "According to the managers, this has driven that Mexico is placed at the fourth place worldwide in sales of consoles". And for those who say than people in mexico DONT CARE THE ONLINE GAMING the article says: "With four million downloads since the launch of Xbox 360, Mexico is in seventh place worldwide by the number of subscribers and the fifth in terms of monthly growth of users" This was said by Daniel Cervantes who is the regional director for Latin America of the Division of Entertainment and Devices for XBOX.

 So, here are the links and the number, and i still thinking that nobody gives to mexico the atention than deserves it. I hope that some of your questions have been clear now.

 "De donde eres guey? Vivia en DF por algun tiempo. Una ciudad bien chevere": Soy de tepic we, en es estado de Nayarit, bueno, ahi estudio, pero vivo cerca de Puerto Vallarta.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

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jaja yo soy de monterrey wey :P

By the way, videogame market is really big and old in mexico I started videogaming in 86 with my nes (i was born in 83) and have had all nintendo consoles except from the virtual boy, and Im far from rich, im middle class. Also all of my friends have videogame consoles, many of them had all consoles last generation, others had two. You could say that mexico is a big market similar to those in the first world, except that in a limited scale.