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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom Really considering a RE 5 Wii?

I'm sorry but I'm getting kind of sick and tired myself as well about these graphics nonsense. If graphics were so important, then tell me... why did the PSX sold so well? N64 had twice the power which the PSX had. Why did the PS2 sold better, while the Xbox and probably the GC as well had somewhat better graphics. If graphics are so important then why is the DS Lite selling more than 2 times better than the PSP? And if graphics were so important then why the hell does the WII sell more world wide than the 360 and PS3 combined?!. From the past on we can see that graphics to the "real" gamers has never been important or else these platforms wouldn't have sold that much now would it? Then the N64 would have won, then the GC or Xbox would have won, the PSP would be on top of the list and the WII would be nowhere. So for once.. cut that stupid crap about graphics will ya, as sales tell a different story and hardware sales mostly counts to sell and produce games.
If RE5 ever turns out to release on the WII, which I hope for the people around here and for several of my friends, then get over it. Play your full HD version with high tech graphics then and let other people play their version of the game *sigh*.

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*~Onna76~* said:
I'm sorry but I'm getting kind of sick and tired myself as well about these graphics nonsense. If graphics were so important, then tell me... why did the PSX sold so well? N64 had twice the power which the PSX had. Why did the PS2 sold better, while the Xbox and probably the GC as well had somewhat better graphics. If graphics are so important then why is the DS Lite selling more than 2 times better than the PSP? And if graphics were so important then why the hell does the WII sell more world wide than the 360 and PS3 combined?!. From the past on we can see that graphics to the "real" gamers has never been important or else these platforms wouldn't have sold that much now would it? Then the N64 would have won, then the GC or Xbox would have won, the PSP would be on top of the list and the WII would be nowhere. So for once.. cut that stupid crap about graphics will ya, as sales tell a different story and hardware sales mostly counts to sell and produce games.
If RE5 ever turns out to release on the WII, which I hope for the people around here and for several of my friends, then get over it. Play your full HD version with high tech graphics then and let other people play their version of the game *sigh*.

N64 was not twice as powerful as PS1. Infact its arguable that it was more powerful at all. It had better hardware effects like Z-Buffering, Scaling, Anti-aliasing and Texture mapping...but with everything turned on it could muster 100,-150K polygons per second max. Thats 1/3 of what PS1 could do. Hence why it was called the fog box...

Gamecube is marginally better than PS2, little bit more ram but I believe the processing power and polygon output may be a bit less actually. Xbox is quite a bit more powerful than PS2 and this is why we never saw games like Doom 3, Half life 2 and Far Cry on PS2. They were just not possible.

Look, I am not saying that I don't want to see RE5 on the Wii...hell It would be a different experience and I own the Wii so sure...please make the game capcom. I am just saying that most likely isn't possible. There aren't too many games coming out for the Wii that are coming out for PS3/xbox360. And even if they do, they usually are upgraded PS2 Madden and Guitar hero 3.

"GAmecube was marginally better than the PS2?" Give me a break...

While we've become adept at looking at the this generation's gap between the PS360 and the Wii, don't forget that there was a substantial gap between the Xbox/GC and the PS2.

The Gamecube was fathoms more powerful than the PS2, while not to the same extent the PS360 is over the Wii, the appearance between what a PS2 game could do and what a GC game could do was rather stark. Don't try and downplay the gap just because you've gotten cozy with this generations standard.

I agree with others, seems more like a test to see if Okami is marketable as a sequel...

the test is too see if it sell well enough for a sequel

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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@Girl Gamer Elite

It's not like I started gaming this generation, or last for that matter to get cozy with HD. I've been a gamer since 1989... and my favorite game of all time is Castlevania:SOTN which is a 2D, non HD game.

Anywho, enough about are some stats for you about PS2 VS Gamecube in black and white which everyone can understand.

CPU - PS2 300mhz VS Gamecube 485MHZ
Graphics Processor - 147 mhz PS2 VS 162 MHZ Gamecube
RAM - 32 MB PS2 VS 40MB Gamecube
Memory Bus Bandwidth - 3.2 GB PS2 VS 2.6 Gamecube

There are other factors and advantages to both system but you will notice that most of the basic specs favor gamecube by only 15 - 30%.

Now compare the specs for 360(which is the weaker on the PS3/360 side) to the Wii(if you can find them as Nintendo doesn't really talk about them much) ...the difference is usually 200-300%. Most 360 games are in 720p resolution which alone is pretty taxing compared to 480p Wii does...and still Wii can not compare. I have them both...I've seen same games running on both... RE5 as we know it thus far is not possible. Maybe Resident Evil 5 Chronicles few years later...

disolitude said:
@Girl Gamer Elite

It's not like I started gaming this generation, or last for that matter to get cozy with HD. I've been a gamer since 1989... and my favorite game of all time is Castlevania:SOTN which is a 2D, non HD game.

Anywho, enough about are some stats for you about PS2 VS Gamecube in black and white which everyone can understand.

CPU - PS2 300mhz VS Gamecube 485MHZ
Graphics Processor - 147 mhz PS2 VS 162 MHZ Gamecube
RAM - 32 MB PS2 VS 40MB Gamecube
Memory Bus Bandwidth - 3.2 GB PS2 VS 2.6 Gamecube

There are other factors and advantages to both system but you will notice that most of the basic specs favor gamecube by only 15 - 30%.

Now compare the specs for 360(which is the weaker on the PS3/360 side) to the Wii(if you can find them as Nintendo doesn't really talk about them much) ...the difference is usually 200-300%. Most 360 games are in 720p resolution which alone is pretty taxing compared to 480p Wii does...and still Wii can not compare. I have them both...I've seen same games running on both... RE5 as we know it thus far is not possible. Maybe Resident Evil 5 Chronicles few years later...

 You forget that the gamecubes architecture is far more efficient than the ps2s and the xbox making it be able to use more of its power.  The gamecubes utilizes its gpu more than the ps2 meaning it doesn't have to rely on its cpu for graphics production and cpus aren't made for graphics production the way gpus  are. So you should increase your estimate by 3 times because of two factors that I just thought of on the top of my head. I will think of more. 

This means nothing concerning RE5 and I hope Capcom doesn't waste their time watering down the 360/PS3 version of that game for Wii. They could use those resources to make a game intended for the Wii so that way they can maximize the hardware and control functions.

I say work on Mega Man Legends 3.

sc94597 said:

You forget that the gamecubes architecture is far more efficient than the ps2s and the xbox making it be able to use more of its power. The gamecubes utilizes its gpu more than the ps2 meaning it doesn't have to rely on its cpu for graphics production and cpus aren't made for graphics production the way gpus are. So you should increase your estimate by 3 times because of two factors that I just thought of on the top of my head. I will think of more.

I agree there are other factors and most of them favour gamecube. (other than polygon output if I remember correctly) But 3X the multiplier...lets not go crazy here. In that range we start stepping on Xbox 1's toes...and we don't wanna do that.

disolitude said:
@Girl Gamer Elite

It's not like I started gaming this generation, or last for that matter to get cozy with HD. I've been a gamer since 1989... and my favorite game of all time is Castlevania:SOTN which is a 2D, non HD game.

Anywho, enough about are some stats for you about PS2 VS Gamecube in black and white which everyone can understand.

CPU - PS2 300mhz VS Gamecube 485MHZ
Graphics Processor - 147 mhz PS2 VS 162 MHZ Gamecube
RAM - 32 MB PS2 VS 40MB Gamecube
Memory Bus Bandwidth - 3.2 GB PS2 VS 2.6 Gamecube

There are other factors and advantages to both system but you will notice that most of the basic specs favor gamecube by only 15 - 30%.

Now compare the specs for 360(which is the weaker on the PS3/360 side) to the Wii(if you can find them as Nintendo doesn't really talk about them much) ...the difference is usually 200-300%. Most 360 games are in 720p resolution which alone is pretty taxing compared to 480p Wii does...and still Wii can not compare. I have them both...I've seen same games running on both... RE5 as we know it thus far is not possible. Maybe Resident Evil 5 Chronicles few years later...

If you think clockspeed has anything to do with how powerful consoles are you have a lot to learn my friend.