Stromprophet said:
sharky said:
Yeah, and microsoft also launched in three territories, not two. Does that make them better than Sony?
Sony only has to divide it's shipments two ways.
Yet I agree, partly because they only had two territories, Sony was able to replenish much better than Microsoft. They did do a better job at that, as evidenced by going from 200k in Nov to 500k in Dec.
You're still not accounting that shipped is ALWAYS a good deal higher than sold. This applies to ALL CONSOLES.
There is LAG TIME of 4-8 WEEKS that these consoles are shipped. Even if every 360 was snapped up the minute it hit a shelf, there is still many in transit. Conversly, a million PS3's shipped means many have not even reached stores yet.
The reason I know about the 4-8 weeks is because microsoft talked about it in a interview. There are so many stores in the USA, many a long distance from the distribution centers. That's all transit time. And the cost effective way to ship is by boat (from China), which means even more time (Sony was probably airfreighting PS3's though, but it's still 4-8 weeks)
Hell, Sony is the one famous for imflated ship figures. Sony supposedly counts as soon as they leave the assembly line in China as shipped. MS says they dont call it shipped until it leaves the distribution center in Missouri headed to a store (I think it was Missouri).
Sony counts shipped as "sold-in" I posted links to this from Sony on another thread here on the forums. They were interviewing them and the interviewer asked "so that's 1 million shipped right?" And they said "1 million sold in" And they went on to ask that means the retailer has it right? And they said "Yes"
I can find it for you if you want, but it's in another thread here, and I'm tired of posting the links and then no one reading it.
You also have to consider, NPD never counts the last few days of the month. As I pointed out, Sony had massive shipments the days after Christmas. And specifically 1 that came in on New Years weekend. BB had a relaunch where every BB had at least 60 units, to give you and idea at launch every BB said they would have a minimum of 26.
I frankly don't see how M$ could say they shipping 900k to NA. Before years end. It's a WELL KNOWN FACT that there were ONLY 2 SHIPMENTS before Christmas. One at launch, one about 10 days before Christmas. Another shipment did not arrive till January. And they were completely sold out everywhere. So to me NPD accounts for every console that was available.
Sony this year on the other hand, the lag time is not 4-8 weeks. They are airlifting units from China over. The lag time is less than 1 week, if not a few days. None of these units are coming by ship. That makes a very big difference.
Because we all know that $ony would never try and misconstrue what a competitior does to make themselves look better, just like MS has never ever done anything like that either

Anyway, I don't see why you people insist on debating numbers that you apparently pull out of nowhere(read: no links) when this site keeps track of monthly sales in the US and Japane. In fact, I've made it easy for you by including this
link where you can see this sites numbers of 360 vs. Xbox. Sadly they have yet to update this section with the P$3 figures. Either way, these are hard numbers without any of that "lag time" and sold through bullshit clouding up figures - of course, this is all unless you wan't to start debating this site validity

And regarding your theory that the first million is when the con$ole i$ mo$t in demand: All I can $ay is that's immensly $hort$highted. First off, if that is true then why is the Wii $till widely $old out even though it is va$tly over a million? And the $ame was true with the P$2. Maybe $ony'$ problem i$n't doing an excellent job meeting demand, but that P$3 demand was far lower than anyone expected, inluding $ony.
Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?
ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all.
"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"