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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MOH: Heroes 2 (Wii) - no online in Australia, EA giving full refund??

famousringo said:
azrm2k said:
but from what we understand the company would need to run local servers to ensure low latency online play, and it has evidently decided not to do so.

That's bull. My NA MOH doesn't have low latency online play and yet I don't get a refund!

It would if you were connecting to those NA servers from Australia.

Bascially, EA doesn't want to incur the costs of setting up servers to cater to a small Australian market. I'm sure Australians will let EA know what they think of this policy with their wallets, and more than a few angry emails.

Edit: I think I misread what you were saying about latency there. Still, connecting to NA servers from Australia would have pretty much unplayable latency.

 Hehe yeah I was mocking the game and how I usually get bad lag in my games.  

The amazing controls in this game are both a pro and con.  Pro obviously because they rule (all except for the mortar... god I hate that thing in campaign).  Con though because you realize such great controls are wasted.  They could be used as building blocks for an amazing FPS on the Wii but MOH:H2 is not that FPS.  Not just the bad online play with lag and invincibility glitches, but the campaign is mediocre at best with a pretty dull cookie cutter WWII story and horrendous AI.  

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Dodece said:
You can't break the laws of physics. Light travels only so fast in a given amount of time. That has always been a issue with gaming, and the continent down under. While all online gaming suffers from a degree of lag even if it is too microscopic to be noticed. Those microscopic issues start to add up when you deal with distances of thousands of miles.

Thus the answer is regional servers, and whether they are operational is very dependent on the user base. With a 360 or a PS3 which can act as their own servers its not a relevant issue. However the Wii isn't quite the same kind of setup from what I understand. I could be wrong, but I don't think the Wii can function as its own server.

I don't necessarily think its fair that the Australians get the raw end of the deal thanks to geography, but quite often they get persecuted for their protective lag. I also suppose the size of the market isn't helping to convince companies to set up servers in the region. Would anyone know if Nintendo has dedicated Australian servers.

 do you even have any idea how fast the light travels?

let's say it East coast of US to Assuie, about 10,000km and light travels 300,000 km/s. it takes 1/30 second to get there.  

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)

I was going to buy this when I got bored with guitar hero (which may not happen at his rate), so +1 in lost sales.

kingofwale said:
Dodece said:
You can't break the laws of physics. Light travels only so fast in a given amount of time. That has always been a issue with gaming, and the continent down under. While all online gaming suffers from a degree of lag even if it is too microscopic to be noticed. Those microscopic issues start to add up when you deal with distances of thousands of miles.

Thus the answer is regional servers, and whether they are operational is very dependent on the user base. With a 360 or a PS3 which can act as their own servers its not a relevant issue. However the Wii isn't quite the same kind of setup from what I understand. I could be wrong, but I don't think the Wii can function as its own server.

I don't necessarily think its fair that the Australians get the raw end of the deal thanks to geography, but quite often they get persecuted for their protective lag. I also suppose the size of the market isn't helping to convince companies to set up servers in the region. Would anyone know if Nintendo has dedicated Australian servers.

do you even have any idea how fast the light travels?

let's say it East coast of US to Assuie, about 10,000km and light travels 300,000 km/s. it takes 1/30 second to get there.

Which when combined with non-light lag times (exchanges, etc..) turns into a 100ms lag.

A game running at 60fps, has around 16ms between frames - a 30fps title, 33ms. 

So at 100ms lag (assuming it doesn't need to send data back/forth - for a 200ms data delay), that is a 3 frame lag at 30fps. Best case scenario. 


Just did a test then - if I ping from my local machine - its almost 300ms. 

A ping to my ISP is around 20ms. So its taking almost 280ms to get from my ISP (a good one!) to google's servers - who should have decent servers. 

That's about 10 frames - when running at 30fps - and 20 when running at 60fps. 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Is it worrying that i'm just getting used to this sort of treatment?

I have no words to describe what i want to say about EA right now

Around the Network
Gamerace said:
MY assumption is they looked at the sales, decided online play isn't a selling feature for Wii owners (cause let's face it, this is the ONLY Wii shooter with real online play and it still doesn't sell) so they probably figured it wasn't worth the network costs of including it in Australia.

1) how can you make a assumption from sales that do not exist.

2) EA has a bad reputaiton anyway, so you really expect to sell a game that has JUST come out like a week ago to sell a million copies?

3) network costs for 1 game ain't worth it like you said, however EA does plan to release more then 1 game with Online therefore that server can be shared to host multiple games.


All i can say is fuck EA, I will NEVER buy another game from them. I will have more money to spend on other companies games now even if the game might suck more, I will still enjoy it more knowing EA didn't make it.



Dodece said:
I don't think the Wii can function as its own server.

Would anyone know if Nintendo has dedicated Australian servers.

We can play Strickers here (Aust), almost lag free, the Wii acts as it's own server

Nintendo games with online have worked ok in Australia (just need more of them)


EA are the ones letting us down. I guess ALL EA games in Australia will have no online from now on


this week it came out in europe??
i didn't know that
i will get me a copy =]

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Thank you sir its most definitely not as the crow flies. I have literally seen Australians in online play get cast as lepers. Most of the time they do not deserve it, but I have seen them take a pasting in online gaming. Getting kicked from servers or being forced into restrictive play due to unfair advantage. Often they get labeled as hackers, or get pegged as 56k killers.

Unfortunately its hard to console a person who has been killed by an invisible foe or to calm someone down after they unload a mountain of ordinance on a phantom that is completely unscathed. They are not apt to believe that these type of things are not intentional.

On the humorous side thanks to the lag you see some of the most incredible things in online games. Dead players sliding around killing people, and the always popular death for no apparent reason.

Well, at least those that feel cheated can get their money back.

The game for me is ok. Once you spend the time to get the controls set right, it is a good FPS game. However, the game is no Battlefield 2. For a first real attempt it is pretty damn good, but I still think MP3 was a far superior shooter experience.