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Forums - Website Topics - What Game World Would You Go To?


When the biggest threat is a buncha guys who dress up in costumes with a huge letter "R" on them, you know you are pretty well off.

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Pokemon world.

Pokemon does have interesting places and lots of things to do,,

Its funny I hate pokemon(cartoon) past the second set of pokemon(lugia)

but the games never get old, except for the fact my slver and yellow dont save

no more


Hyrule ftw

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Actually... Pokemon would be freakin awesome XD

Proud owner of a Wii, a Xbox360 and a PS3 (...two PS3's...)

My main brawl characters

Now playing:

wii:Super smash bros. brawl, The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
ps3: Guitar hero 3,4,5. Rock Band 1,2. Resistance 2
Xbox360:Nhl2k9, Mass Effect, MW2, Halo 3.