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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So how many PS2 owners bought Wii?


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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4) I have/had PS2+GC and going to buy Wii.


I have a GC and had a ps2. I now own a ps3 and a Wii. I sold my ps2 after getting the ps3, but haven't unloaded the GC yet.

Number 4 I guess, all rolls on Mario Kart!

PS: I think this is a nightmare thread for the mod's considering the four word rule, or is that out now?

PSPS: Good thread Crazzy! Keep this up!

I had a PS2, Dreamcast and Gamecube and I own a Wii and XBox 360

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No. 1

owned a ps2 and dreamcast (purchased cheap as the system was dying)....

current owner of only a wii

I'm number 9. I might be buying my friend's PS2 soon, however, if I can get a good price on it.

More than likely I'll go with 5, only game I like on Wii is SSMB, mostly everything else just doesn't appeal to my taste in games.

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Also #3 and #5.

As I had 3 PS3s. May get a 2nd Wii when I'm moved in after I get a PS3, and a 360.

It's tough enough right now between just me and my girlfriend, when there are 4 of us living in the same place, it's going to be real hard to get in some wii time.