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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do you think the Vita TV can save the PS Vita?

PlayMatt said:


Ok, so I will be more resonable PS Vita TV SHOULDN'T be counted on the Handhelds charts as it's not a handheld.

But that's a subchart and in the PLatform totals they should combine PS vita + PS Vita TV because they are the same platform to play those softwares... agree?

That's the point. For the developers it is irrelevant, if PSVitaTV is a handheld or not.

They will look for the whole hardware base, they can sell their Vita games to.


iPads, iPhones, iPod touch... different device categories, but sharing the same iOS-platform and attracting developers as a whole.

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JoeTheBro said:
curl-6 said:

Wii U plays Wii software, doesn't mean it's the same system.

I'm sorry but that is just the stupidest response. Wii doesn't play Wii U software, off course it's not the same system.

Game compatibility does not make two systems the same. The fact that Vita TV is not portable means it is fundamentally different.

I don't know why the thread derailed into a discussion whether Vita TV sales should be counted together with Vita sales or not, but whatever is the choice of the chart tracker, it will not make any difference to anyone willing to make a Vita game unless it is heavily based on touch controls.

In the end, what matters to the consumer is whether the piece of hardware he / she bought will have enough support and be able to play games they like. As every game developed for Vita TV will work on Vita, if Vita TV sells well enough to convince more and more developers to put their games that work on Vita, we can consider Vita "saved". For Sony too, because if they can profit more and more from the hardware project that generated Vita and Vita TV because of Vita TV, the latter will have "saved" them from an otherwise unprofitable project.

Now talking about what I expect from Vita TV, I think it makes a lot of sense when considering Sony's strategy for Vita. I always believed that since the "Indie" push and the marketing as a PS4 companion, Sony needed to be aggressive and sell Vita in the west for less than the 3DS. Vita being more expensive than 3DS only made sense when it was being advertised as a more powerful console capable of running heavier games.

As it is not the case anymore, and Sony seems to be pushing for a mid-term between the old traditional handhelds and mobiles, by offering cheaper games with attested quality (indies) and aiming a much higher attach rate than PSP or PS3 for example, they could take more losses for each Vita sold and recoup the losses with the software sold. So, I think pricing Vita at $150 or less would not be crazy.

But they did not, and Vita TV comes exactly to fill that void. It is rather cheap ($100), and can be a big success with the audience that doesn't buy traditional consoles because of the big entry price and big price for each game. The Vita-only games would be a plus for that audience (much like Steam were most people buy most of their games during sales, but occasionally shell $30, $40 or even $50 in a bigger game).

If this strategy will work in the longer term, only time will tell. It will depend a lot on how Vita TV is advertised and how strong the word-of-mouth can be. But at least this market looks better than the expensive handheld console market Vita was originally envisioned for.

tilinelson2 said:
I don't know why the thread derailed into a discussion whether Vita TV sales should be counted together with Vita sales or not, but whatever is the choice of the chart tracker, it will not make any difference to anyone willing to make a Vita game unless it is heavily based on touch controls.

In the end, what matters to the consumer is whether the piece of hardware he / she bought will have enough support and be able to play games they like. As every game developed for Vita TV will work on Vita, if Vita TV sells well enough to convince more and more developers to put their games that work on Vita, we can consider Vita "saved". For Sony too, because if they can profit more and more from the hardware project that generated Vita and Vita TV because of Vita TV, the latter will have "saved" them from an otherwise unprofitable project.

Now talking about what I expect from Vita TV, I think it makes a lot of sense when considering Sony's strategy for Vita. I always believed that since the "Indie" push and the marketing as a PS4 companion, Sony needed to be aggressive and sell Vita in the west for less than the 3DS. Vita being more expensive than 3DS only made sense when it was being advertised as a more powerful console capable of running heavier games.

As it is not the case anymore, and Sony seems to be pushing for a mid-term between the old traditional handhelds and mobiles, by offering cheaper games with attested quality (indies) and aiming a much higher attach rate than PSP or PS3 for example, they could take more losses for each Vita sold and recoup the losses with the software sold. So, I think pricing Vita at $150 or less would not be crazy.

But they did not, and Vita TV comes exactly to fill that void. It is rather cheap ($100), and can be a big success with the audience that doesn't buy traditional consoles because of the big entry price and big price for each game. The Vita-only games would be a plus for that audience (much like Steam were most people buy most of their games during sales, but occasionally shell $30, $40 or even $50 in a bigger game).

If this strategy will work in the longer term, only time will tell. It will depend a lot on how Vita TV is advertised and how strong the word-of-mouth can be. But at least this market looks better than the expensive handheld console market Vita was originally envisioned for.

Thank you!  Even though this thread has been completely derailed it is nice to see that someone still has something sensible to contribute..

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

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Still not seeing how the Vita is dying.

Lawlight said:
Still not seeing how the Vita is dying.

Ask youreself, is Sony giving the Vita the attention of what Nintendo is doing for the 3DS?

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

Dv8thwonder said:
Lawlight said:
Still not seeing how the Vita is dying.

Ask youreself, is Sony giving the Vita the attention of what Nintendo is doing for the 3DS?

What does the 3DS have to do with my question?

xJbownagex said:
GdaTyler said:
xJbownagex said:
I don't mean to doom and gloom, but nothing can save the Vita at this point...

I think that that is the case for the Wii U

The Wii U has been out for 10 months and just got a few fantastic titles that could easily influence a purchase. The PS Vita has a few watered down console games and has almost been out for 2 years. Lets be real here.

Oh, the irony... A false statement followed by a "lets be real here". Please do some research before you post. You seem to be misinformed.

GdaTyler said:
All I'm saying is that Vita TV and Vita should all collectively sell so that they can achieve success. They are both Vita models. One is portable, one isn't. It's still a Vita.

It is a PSVita without a built in screen ;or a built in touch pad, and front and rear facing Camera's.but added HDMI output

.other than those features it is indeed a PSVita, just because its hooked upto the TV does not mean that developer's will see no reason to develop for it like you would with a PSVita already. it has the same Arm Quad Core Cortex A9, AND SGX 543mp4+ GPU if anything the increase in PSVita's 512 MB to 1 GB of system Ram will bode well for the PSVita TV's ability to run Standard PSVita games anyway.

the Point is, you can like you stated build a PSVita game for the PSVita TV platform and with slight tweaks that very same build would run on the PSVita also. With Playstation Mobile it would be code Once and run on both anyway. because they are both Playstation Mobile certified devices.

this is about making sure there is a presence of Playstation of a Mobile device connected to a living room Hub with Playstation as a platform to have a foot in the door in this new market change that has taken the 1st priority with smart devices being the first platform, Sony is trying to make sure that playstation will be the prime platform for "Gaming" for those applications that are made for smart devices being made for playstation for the Living room, and those very same games and applications can be there in the livingroom or on the go. one Playstation Unified platform.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.