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Forums - General Discussion - Poor kid punished for looking at his X-mas gifts early. (He wanted a 360)

man i hope a mod locks this thread

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Around the Network

It would have been good if the parents will be back with a REAL Xbox360 fews minutes after this (a bit hard for the son but still good)

"""That's mean, no wonder so many blacks are irate."""
"""me wanna crack racist jokes in his parents' faces just to watch them get worked up."""


why do you come with racial element in this story ? what is the point ?
u could be banned for this ...

Time to Work !

ArtofAngels said:
That's mean, no wonder so many blacks are irate.


wow i just want to know what the hell is this suppose to mean I'm half black in i take offence to that not cool dude.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

libellule said:
It would have been good if the parents will be back with a REAL Xbox360 fews minutes after this (a bit hard for the son but still good)

"""That's mean, no wonder so many blacks are irate."""
"""me wanna crack racist jokes in his parents' faces just to watch them get worked up."""


why do you come with racial element in this story ? what is the point ?
u could be banned for this ...

Could be?

If they're not I'm going to be sending ioi a personal PM.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I could be wrong but I don't think veiam was trieng to be racest. I think he was rather trieng to just attack them in a way he thought would envoke the most anger.

Also I aperently just found a neat little trick for resetting your posts to 0
Why would you want to do that? because you accendently clicked something.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
Around the Network

Could be?
If they're not I'm going to be sending ioi a personal PM.

==> well,

1/ I m not a mod.
2/ I still prefer people to explain themselve than to be banned without any discussion ... "automatic ban" for these type of "borderline" comment is not a solution.

Time to Work !

Racism = not cool.

Couldn't they at least have shown us the kid getting his 360? The look on his face just made me die a little.

The fact that they were laughing in his face, and filming him, makes it even worse than tricking their son

He got the Arcade version anyway so he should be happy it wasn't the Xbox 360 :P

You aint found shit!

Radziel said:
he eventually got it (check out description on youtube). It supposed to be a punishment for peaking at his christmas present day before :
 Still ... it was way to mean ... hes only like 10 , he doesnt deserves this ... 


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