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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is socialism endan^gered in The United States?

Pateta= goofy, fool.
Get real= stop playing, cai na real no teu idioma.
Por acaso portugues e a minha primeira lingua, se nao percebes algumas palavras nao faz mal portugues nao existe so em Brazil e Portugal meu caro.

Querias dizer que nao sei nada de sacrificio porque disse que $1000 nao e nada e uma ofensa. Parece mais e que tu e que nao conheces a realidade dos EUA.

Around the Network
Aielyn said:
Baalzamon said:
Oh sure, if something major medically have to cut my entertainment to near nothing to make payments, but it would still work.

Rent: 275/mo
Household stuff: 50/mo
Utilities: 50/mo
Gas: 125/mo
Insurance: 60/mo
Car repairs: 150/mo
Food: 175/mo
Phone: 50/mo
Entertainment: 250/mo
1185 a month. Even get to put plenty in savings considering none of the categories ever add to that much. 450 of the computer was funded by selling a laptop that was bought years ago. Games arent very expensive online. Go to the bars on special nights with like $1 drinks...etc.

Where you say I spend my money in more or less a dumb way...all my friends see me as an uber conservative person cause I budget and say no to them if I have no money left for the month.

You want us to believe that you have a healthy diet at less than $6 a day? And that you pay less than $70 a week on rent, without either sharing accommodation or having access to a deal that most don't (like, say, renting off your parents at a vastly reduced rate, just as an example)?

It is perfectly reasonable to live at these costs in many areas of the United States. If you cook your own food and buy it in bulk you can easily spend only $150-200 per month for just yourself and eat a HEALTHIER diet than people who spend $20 on their lunches at a restaruant. I spend only $50/week (on average) on food  because I buy things cheap (chicken for $1.50/lb, ramen noodles, etc.)  and I drink tap water/make homemade ice tea/etc. My rent is also only $300/month with a roommate (owner of the home) in a three bedroom house (I have my own room.) Apartments in Pittsburgh, PA range based on neighborhood from $400/month - $700/month for a studio/efficiency or a one bedroom. In the smaller metropolitan areas and the country (where I'm initially from) a 1 bedroom apartment ranges from $200-$400/month, and a house could be rented (or rent to own) for $700-$1000/month. 

MDMAlliance said:
DonFerrari said:
Goatseye said:
DonFerrari said:

Are you trying to type in portuguese??? (maybe from portugal???) Is that so you can use personal offenses and don't be reported???

Bold the personal offense.

If you don't see offense in your tone and wording you should train your portuguese more or just type it in english since it seems you are better at it.... but calling idiot or telling to "get real" is personal attacks.

I would say the fact he used another language to address you in full like that is a bannable offense itself.

Even more when probably most (or all) moderators and a lot of users don't know portuguese, or at least how to interpret some part of it (as I or other foreign could be being impolite in English without realizing it) as offensive....

The strangest situation here is when you go buying in "chinatown" here and when you negotiate the price they keep talking in chinese pretending you are not there, and usually seems like they are threating you like and idiot. That happens often, and when you understand a little of their language it can get embarrasing.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

MikeRox said:
Goatseye said:

I lived in multiple countries and I'm in a position to deduce this. Cost of life is way more expensive and agressive here.

I wasn't questioning whether it was true or false. It's just seriously wow.

I never seen so much struggle to live in a developed country like I do in US. And here there's no neighbors or family to help you out.

In other countries there's a sense of community and cooperation. Not here, if you need something and you don't have money you're effed.

Here they make money off of despair, high interest rates on loans and private penitenciaries for absurd free slave labor profit.

Goatseye said:
Pateta= goofy, fool.
Get real= stop playing, cai na real no teu idioma.
Por acaso portugues e a minha primeira lingua, se nao percebes algumas palavras nao faz mal portugues nao existe so em Brazil e Portugal meu caro.

Querias dizer que nao sei nada de sacrificio porque disse que $1000 nao e nada e uma ofensa. Parece mais e que tu e que nao conheces a realidade dos EUA.

And you could as well know that there is diferences between portuguese spoken in each of those countries... And I understood all the words, and interpreted the tone as I would in brazilian portuguese, because I can't interprete your tone in your local usage of the language... And again you do a stealth attack, I know there are several other places that speak portuguese in Africa, China and Japan (not talking about dekassegui, but because of the priest that gone there close to the end of meiji era and sometimes earlier).

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network
MDMAlliance said:
DonFerrari said:
Goatseye said:
DonFerrari said:

Are you trying to type in portuguese??? (maybe from portugal???) Is that so you can use personal offenses and don't be reported???

Bold the personal offense.

If you don't see offense in your tone and wording you should train your portuguese more or just type it in english since it seems you are better at it.... but calling idiot or telling to "get real" is personal attacks.

I would say the fact he used another language to address you in full like that is a bannable offense itself.

Please show me the rules(I'm serious) where it says foreign language is forbidden here.

Goatseye said:
MikeRox said:
Goatseye said:

I lived in multiple countries and I'm in a position to deduce this. Cost of life is way more expensive and agressive here.

I wasn't questioning whether it was true or false. It's just seriously wow.

I never seen so much struggle to live in a developed country like I do in US. And here there's no neighbors or family to help you out.

In other countries there's a sense of community and cooperation. Not here, if you need something and you don't have money you're effed.

Here they make money off of despair, high interest rates on loans and private penitenciaries for absurd free slave labor profit.

Interest here is around 8,5 to 10% a month in a bank... traditional credit lines (financing a car or a house) is around 2% a month.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
MDMAlliance said:
DonFerrari said:

If you don't see offense in your tone and wording you should train your portuguese more or just type it in english since it seems you are better at it.... but calling idiot or telling to "get real" is personal attacks.

I would say the fact he used another language to address you in full like that is a bannable offense itself.

Even more when probably most (or all) moderators and a lot of users don't know portuguese, or at least how to interpret some part of it (as I or other foreign could be being impolite in English without realizing it) as offensive....

The strangest situation here is when you go buying in "chinatown" here and when you negotiate the price they keep talking in chinese pretending you are not there, and usually seems like they are threating you like and idiot. That happens often, and when you understand a little of their language it can get embarrasing.

You're writing like I offended you or hiding behind a foreign language to sew hate or bad manners, how much you gonna spin this?

I'm out, you guys are not interested in the actual OP. Have a good one.

Goatseye said:
MikeRox said:
Goatseye said:

I lived in multiple countries and I'm in a position to deduce this. Cost of life is way more expensive and agressive here.

I wasn't questioning whether it was true or false. It's just seriously wow.

I never seen so much struggle to live in a developed country like I do in US. And here there's no neighbors or family to help you out.

In other countries there's a sense of community and cooperation. Not here, if you need something and you don't have money you're effed.

Here they make money off of despair, high interest rates on loans and private penitenciaries for absurd free slave labor profit.

That is complete bullshit. Stop generalizing. I come from a family so close and almost universally impoverished that they hold eachother up. My grandmother needed money for her property taxes, my mom had excess to lend her. Conversely, my mother was behind on her rent, and my grandmother and aunt were able to lend money until my mother got back on her feet. Maybe in the very impersonal cities where everybody is rude to eachother and looks out for themselves this is the case, but certainly not in most of middle-class and working-class suburban/small city/rural America. As for community and cooperation, again, this is evident in the huge number of private and public community events that can be found in almost every, single municipality. The only reason for somebody to come to the conclusion you have is complete ignorance. 

But, just to disprove your anecdotes further, 

Choose "voluntary private" and look to see which countrymen gives to his or her fellows the most out of his or her own free will, at 10.2% GDP (vasty more than any other.)