Th3PANO said: Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason. |
You hit the nail on the head.
Th3PANO said: Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason. |
You hit the nail on the head.
Th3PANO said: Nobody outside of gaming takes the industry serious. Outraging crying nerds are one of the reason. |
As per reviewtechusa:
I am going to stick with Pacman and boardgames this stuff keeps up. I happen to watch some of these troll videos where guys do soundboard stuff and see the worst behavior of humans coming out, right down to sexual orientation as taunts. Sorry, but I am sick of all this. Someone gets fired for a 9/10 review, because they don't like how women were portrayed, and felt sometimes the characters were off at spots? Enough!
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Next on feedbackula... (Gamespot joke) |
It is only remotely going to be a joke, because it is true. I do see that coming up soon. Hey, maybe if I go on an anti-GTA 5 rant, I can end up getting publicity, and then get a job I can get fired from! YEAH!
GTA 5 sucks! Sue me. Get me fired!
The only response to review crybabies: "You are the Electronic Arts of people!" - Jim Sterling
3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:
cmeese47 said: damn feminists trying to ruin the world |
It's as if anything under a 9.5 is unplayable now.
When internet fanboys hold power over someone's means of making a living...
4 ≈ One
Oh dear. I, for one, would fire reviewers that give too high scores too easily. I don't need reviewers that arselick devs and publishers, I need harsh ones that don't restrain themselves from pointing out bugs and possible flaws. Then it's up to me to tell if those possible flaws actually are so for my tastes, but I need to know them before buying.
PS On a sidenote... The embargo was lifted on 16th September? And the Navy Yard shooter was a manic gamer...
How fucking ridiculous. Anyone who doesn't understand that all "professional game reviews" are is someone's personal opinion on a game that they just so happen to get paid to share, needs a reality check.
Saying someone should be fired because they dare to have something critical to say about a game that everyone is so sure is going to be "amazing in every way, perfect 10" before it's even out, is absurd, and just makes gamers look that much more like a pathetic lot of mal-adjusted, malcontent nerds.
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