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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Skater Boy talks about Kingdom Hearts III


Yeah, sorry, but Suikoden was rumoured from multiple sites to be coming to Wii due to mediocre sales (of the series in general) and too high dev costs on PS3. But on the bright side: Wii is definitely at least 3x PS2 power so a Suikoden or KH Wii will certainly be a big improvement over its predecesors.

Plus a Wii is not that expensive, and if you like RPG´s: Tales of Symphonia, Shiren the Wanderer, Odin Sphere´s spiritual successor Obura Muramasa and Fragile are announced, Skies of Arcadia and a lot more is rumoured so probably the Wii will be worth your money.

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This got me thinking ...
Disney has a cozy relationship with MS.
SE needs a game on the 360.
Could KH III go to the big white box instead of big black box or the little white box?

Just a hunch (without any facts to back it up, probably tough as good as any other Internet rumor).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


mike_intellivision said:
This got me thinking ...
Disney has a cozy relationship with MS.
SE needs a game on the 360.
Could KH III go to the big white box instead of big black box or the little white box?

Just a hunch (without any facts to back it up, probably tough as good as any other Internet rumor).

Mike from Morgantown

 Seeing the sales of Japanese games (Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon) I don´t think SE really needs a game on the 360. Plus sales in Japan are still very important for Japanese developers.

Every month the same thing... let me ask you three questions...

1. Is the PS3 on the same path of the PS2, answer yes.

2. Third party game taking off on Wii, Not so much.

3. With the KH team with full knowledge of the PS3 why would they develop for the Wii instead, and why oh why would Normura vision seen in the secret trailer be stopped from coming to life on the Wii.

MY personal preference, yes I want it on the PS3 because it is a gaming machine versus my Wii which I consider a silly toy (No More Heroes has changed my mind slightly).

I would like to see these thread stopped because of rumors, until Normura announces it after KHvs13 then talk about KH3 on the Wii until then stop making a thread a month on the subject please Soriku.

One more thing, it's now common sense that the Wii is a casual game, and by no means is KH for casual gamers, it is a intense deep game for what I would describe as hardcore gamers. Just my worthless two cents though.

EDIT:  one thing I'd like to agree with you with is that the white box won't see the light of day of this series since RPG (minus Mass Effect) tank to their potential on other systems. 

kingofwale said:
>Anti-Wii biased creeps into all of your posts, nowadays.

another fantastic post by ZenfoldorVGI which again, focused not on the topic itself (in fact, no mention of the topic), but instead, choose to insult others. Bravo.

 Yes! As kingofwale says, EVERY SINGLE POST must be answering the topic!!! You may not say ANYTHING else, especially not things about other users!! kingofwale himself would NEVER......


Oh wait. 

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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damandan05 said:
Every month the same thing... let me ask you three questions...

1. Is the PS3 on the same path of the PS2, answer yes.

2. Third party game taking off on Wii, Not so much.

3. With the KH team with full knowledge of the PS3 why would they develop for the Wii instead, and why oh why would Normura vision seen in the secret trailer be stopped from coming to life on the Wii.

MY personal preference, yes I want it on the PS3 because it is a gaming machine versus my Wii which I consider a silly toy (No More Heroes has changed my mind slightly).

I would like to see these thread stopped because of rumors, until Normura announces it after KHvs13 then talk about KH3 on the Wii until then stop making a thread a month on the subject please Soriku.

One more thing, it's now common sense that the Wii is a casual game, and by no means is KH for casual gamers, it is a intense deep game for what I would describe as hardcore gamers. Just my worthless two cents though.


We have a winner in Rol´s bingo!

The PS3 is definitely selling a lot worse than PS2, if you don´t see that explain to me why all these 3rd parties are abandoning the ship (GTA4, RE5, MH3, Fatal Frame, etc).

I wonder if the publisher of Guitar Hero 3 shares your thought on 3rd party sales. Or Capcom that released better then expected numbers because of Wii. Or Sega that has a 3million plus seller. Or Ubisoft. Or.... As a matter of fact, wii has MORE 3rd party million sellers than PS3 (6 vs 4).

Calling the fastest selling game system of all time, that had the Game of the Year 2007 a silly toy does not help you in getting any credibility.

It´s only common sense among angry fanboys that cannot accept that their console is losing. Nintendo has always been for hardcore gamers, because its games are among the best games available. If you don´t agree, that´s ok, but metacritic and gamerankings will prove that Nintendo has created a lot of very critically aclaimed games. REAL hardcore gamers would also want to play these.

Oh yeah, just so you know: Kingdom Hearts would be perfect for Wii as it doesn´t rely on graphics, Keyblade will be brilliant with Wiimote and demographic is more suitable.


EDIT: A more detailed explanation as to why PS3 in NOT selling as well as PS2 did. From the ordinary VGChartz graphs it does look like they´re selling at the same pace. Though: PS2 launched in March in Japan alone. It launched 8 months later in the US and 9 months later in Europe.

PS3 launched within a month in the US and Japan and 4 months later in Europe. So actually when you´re comparing these graphs you´re comparing 14 months Japan PS2 vs 14 months Japan PS3 +  6 months PS2 vs 14 months PS3 + 5 months PS2 vs 10 months PS3. You do see the problem I guess. If you compare the regions apart from each other it will become clear that the PS3 is doing a lot worse than PS2. That´s all apart from the fact that the PS2 launched BEFORE its competitors.


I blieve the Suikoden VI Wii rumors because it fits in with Nintendo's new aggressive approach. What was the latest rumor? That it was supposed to be a PS2/Wii release but Nintendo stepped in and secured it as a Wii exclusive. This falls in line with the Nintendo power Tales of Symphonia: DotNW interview where they said Nintendo specifically asked for the game to be geared towards hardcore users, just seems like the first steps of many by Nintendo to secure smaller Japanese franchises that didn't previously appear on a Nintendo home console, the first signs being the aquisition of Monster Hunter 3 and Fatal Frame 4.

As for KH3, it'll be awhile before SE officially announces it. All signs point to Wii, but eve nthen why do Sony fans get so upset at the prospect?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

"As for KH3, it'll be awhile before SE officially announces it. All signs point to Wii, but eve nthen why do Sony fans get so upset at the prospect?"

because we have PS3's and want to play the game. Same reason Wii fans get upset when people say it might go somewhere else. duh.


editted addition: I actually think it will go to Wii as well....I just thought I'd explain why some are getting upset. 


I thought the issue with SB's comment wasn't that it was going to the Wii, but that it was supposed to come out Winter '08?

BengaBenga said:
TyePhoid_PAL said:
Square will make this for PS3. Its speculation sure. But i dont see it being exclusive, Square always look after Sony, just like Namco.

You mean the Namco that has an exclusive Tales game on 360 and Wii but not on PS3?

Companies have only one strategy: making a profit (as high as possible). The install base, software sales and development cost of the PS3 makes this a very unbeneficial platform for developers.

Don´t think that there is one company that really cares for Sony. In business there are no friends, just businesspartners.

As far as I am aware, no platform has been announced for Tales of Vesperia. It's only been rumored to go to the 360 because of meta code found in the official website, which could've been there simply because they borrowed the website design from that of another game. As the website has been updated, the code has been removed.