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trasharmdsister12 said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:

I made a pact almost 6 years ago to my ex-girlfriend that her and I would wait until marriage. We didn't break that promise, but after she died later that month in a car wreck, I still carry that promise that I made to her. Call me crazy, but I wear a Promise Ring in remembrance to her and the pact I made and I won't break it until marriage.

Hey man. I'm really sorry to hear that. What you're doing is really admirable in my view. I hope you find what you're looking for as you deserve it from the sound of your story.

I keep my promises and I would never break that. Lindsay was precious and I vowed to be there for her always. She would want me to be happy now but to still keep that promise I made to her. I always will. I'm Catholic and so was she. I view sex as being sacred. Besides, if I wanted sex right now, it would be to have a son or a daughter (namely a daughter because I cherish girls). I feel that way because all my friends have children and I work at a daycare (most of the time with infants), and I love the children (and babies). But yeah, I'm saving myself for marriage because of my promise I made to Lindsay and wanting a child.

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jake_the_fake1 said:


Anyone who has lost their virginity before the age of 18 should not be proud, they are a clear example of their parents failure, a failure that includes the child drinking and smoking before the legal age limit, and/or trying illegal drugs,. If you try to defend your parent’s failure, then you are bound to repeat their failure as parents when you have kids of your own.

One who's parent's have failed to be decent, must accept their parents failure, and try to break out of the vicious circle, otherwise as stated above, they are bound to repeat the failure themselves, and so we get ever closer to realising the world of "Idiocrasy" (funny movie, but one that points where we are headed, watch it if you haven't and then you'll understand what I'm refereeing too.)

I define a 'decent' parent as one who has instilled good values and discipline into the child, to the point the child goes through the troublesome teen years (usually 13-18) with out having tried alcohol and cigarettes, or having literally fucked around like little hookers. Once the child is of voting age (usually 18), then they are free to do what they like as at that stage the parents have done what they can to ensure their child is a decent member of society. Of course there's more to good parenting than just preventing the child from trying tobacco, alcohol, or sex before the legal age, but these are the most common bad things a child can do and since it pertains to the thread it's self this is why I’ve only pointed out these instances.

My 2 cents.


Your two cents are worthless. And the age of consent is actually not 18 in most places, but lower.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Naraku_Diabolos said:

I made a pact almost 6 years ago to my ex-girlfriend that her and I would wait until marriage. We didn't break that promise, but after she died later that month in a car wreck, I still carry that promise that I made to her. Call me crazy, but I wear a Promise Ring in remembrance to her and the pact I made and I won't break it until marriage.

For I minute I thought you were gonna say you were never gonna have sex ever.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Naraku_Diabolos said:

I keep my promises and I would never break that. Lindsay was precious and I vowed to be there for her always. She would want me to be happy now but to still keep that promise I made to her. I always will. I'm Catholic and so was she. I view sex as being sacred. Besides, if I wanted sex right now, it would be to have a son or a daughter (namely a daughter because I cherish girls). I feel that way because all my friends have children and I work at a daycare (most of the time with infants), and I love the children (and babies). But yeah, I'm saving myself for marriage because of my promise I made to Lindsay and wanting a child.

I think you have very unhealthy views regarding sex.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:

I keep my promises and I would never break that. Lindsay was precious and I vowed to be there for her always. She would want me to be happy now but to still keep that promise I made to her. I always will. I'm Catholic and so was she. I view sex as being sacred. Besides, if I wanted sex right now, it would be to have a son or a daughter (namely a daughter because I cherish girls). I feel that way because all my friends have children and I work at a daycare (most of the time with infants), and I love the children (and babies). But yeah, I'm saving myself for marriage because of my promise I made to Lindsay and wanting a child.

I think you have very unhealthy views regarding sex.

Sapphi just because someone has a different view then you doesn't make it unhealthy. You think his views are unhealthy he thinks yours are. What proof do you have to prove that his beliefs are unhealthy?

Their are far more negatives to having pre-marital sex then their are positives. Even with a condom you can still get STD's and unwanted Pregnancies. Infact even on the pill some girls get pregnant. Not to mention the emotional drama pre-marital sex causes, maybe not that much for men but for many girls sex is a big thing.

Name one actual negative thing that happens if you choose to abstain till marriage? You can't because their is no negatives, other then the fact you haven't experianced sex.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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To be honest. I don't feel like I am missing out much, if I do then I'll just end up going clubing every 2nd day to catch up on the years that I have apparently been "missing out". What really surprised me was the fact that a friend of mine got laid, and he looks like a potbellied pig.

@Joel, my school is not much different, here is a little recap of events that have happened:

  • There was a girl in my year that got it on with half of school football team, at the same time, she was 15 then.
  • There was another case where a 13 year old girl got caught in the toilet giving blowjob to a 16 year old guy
  • 15 year old girl got caught giving a bj to PE teacher, then it got found out that he groped his share of young girls. 
  • 17 year old guy at our school is pretty much a paedo in the making, slept with about 5 under 16s.
  • In my year alone 4 girls got pregnant before we finished school, so under 16s. In the year below mine before they finished school at least 7 got pregnant before then.
  • About 10 guys in the year below mine came out despite pretending to be homophobic before.
  • Sports excellence students at my school like to discuss their endeavours in regards to getting laid with girls that are younger than 16.

And that's just a tip of the Iceberg that is the sexual content at my school, stuff I remember from the top of my head, it's unbelieveable, also in UK age of consent is 16.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

NotStan said:

To be honest. I don't feel like I am missing out much, if I do then I'll just end up going clubing every 2nd day to catch up on the years that I have apparently been "missing out". What really surprised me was the fact that a friend of mine got laid, and he looks like a potbellied pig.

@Joel, my school is not much different, here is a little recap of events that have happened:

  • There was a girl in my year that got it on with half of school football team, at the same time, she was 15 then.
  • There was another case where a 13 year old girl got caught in the toilet giving blowjob to a 16 year old guy
  • 15 year old girl got caught giving a bj to PE teacher, then it got found out that he groped his share of young girls. 
  • 17 year old guy at our school is pretty much a paedo in the making, slept with about 5 under 16s.
  • In my year alone 4 girls got pregnant before we finished school, so under 16s. In the year below mine before they finished school at least 7 got pregnant before then.
  • About 10 guys in the year below mine came out despite pretending to be homophobic before.
  • Sports excellence students at my school like to discuss their endeavours in regards to getting laid with girls that are younger than 16.

And that's just a tip of the Iceberg that is the sexual content at my school, stuff I remember from the top of my head, it's unbelieveable, also in UK age of consent is 16.

Holy shit your school's like identicle to mine. So I'm not the only one with a sex craved school. Did your school have a preschool at it too. Their were so many pregnancies in my highschool that they had to build a preschool on campus to handle all the babies!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Joelcool7 said:

Sapphi just because someone has a different view then you doesn't make it unhealthy. You think his views are unhealthy he thinks yours are. What proof do you have to prove that his beliefs are unhealthy?

Their are far more negatives to having pre-marital sex then their are positives. Even with a condom you can still get STD's and unwanted Pregnancies. Infact even on the pill some girls get pregnant. Not to mention the emotional drama pre-marital sex causes, maybe not that much for men but for many girls sex is a big thing.

Name one actual negative thing that happens if you choose to abstain till marriage? You can't because their is no negatives, other then the fact you haven't experianced sex.

There are studies that show that sex-negative attitudes, like people like him hold, have a negative psychological impact on the individual, leading to future sexual dysfunction. Sex is just a simple biological act, that is all. Making it out to be more then it really is is damaging to the human psyche.

The negative consiquences of having pre-marital sex are no better than the arguments for not driving a car (you can get into a car accident etc.). If you're responsable, it's unlikely that any of those things will happen. Believing otherwise is just paranoia.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


NotStan said:

To be honest. I don't feel like I am missing out much, if I do then I'll just end up going clubing every 2nd day to catch up on the years that I have apparently been "missing out". What really surprised me was the fact that a friend of mine got laid, and he looks like a potbellied pig.

@Joel, my school is not much different, here is a little recap of events that have happened:

  • There was a girl in my year that got it on with half of school football team, at the same time, she was 15 then.
  • There was another case where a 13 year old girl got caught in the toilet giving blowjob to a 16 year old guy
  • 15 year old girl got caught giving a bj to PE teacher, then it got found out that he groped his share of young girls. 
  • 17 year old guy at our school is pretty much a paedo in the making, slept with about 5 under 16s.
  • In my year alone 4 girls got pregnant before we finished school, so under 16s. In the year below mine before they finished school at least 7 got pregnant before then.
  • About 10 guys in the year below mine came out despite pretending to be homophobic before.
  • Sports excellence students at my school like to discuss their endeavours in regards to getting laid with girls that are younger than 16.

And that's just a tip of the Iceberg that is the sexual content at my school, stuff I remember from the top of my head, it's unbelieveable, also in UK age of consent is 16.

What's sexual abotu them coming out? It seems like this is the odd one out of your examples.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:
NotStan said:

To be honest. I don't feel like I am missing out much, if I do then I'll just end up going clubing every 2nd day to catch up on the years that I have apparently been "missing out". What really surprised me was the fact that a friend of mine got laid, and he looks like a potbellied pig.

@Joel, my school is not much different, here is a little recap of events that have happened:

  • There was a girl in my year that got it on with half of school football team, at the same time, she was 15 then.
  • There was another case where a 13 year old girl got caught in the toilet giving blowjob to a 16 year old guy
  • 15 year old girl got caught giving a bj to PE teacher, then it got found out that he groped his share of young girls. 
  • 17 year old guy at our school is pretty much a paedo in the making, slept with about 5 under 16s.
  • In my year alone 4 girls got pregnant before we finished school, so under 16s. In the year below mine before they finished school at least 7 got pregnant before then.
  • About 10 guys in the year below mine came out despite pretending to be homophobic before.
  • Sports excellence students at my school like to discuss their endeavours in regards to getting laid with girls that are younger than 16.

And that's just a tip of the Iceberg that is the sexual content at my school, stuff I remember from the top of my head, it's unbelieveable, also in UK age of consent is 16.

What's sexual abotu them coming out? It seems like this is the odd one out of your examples.

It was just very hypocritical of them, most of them were pretty much anti gay, picking on the kid that did come out a while back and then they themselves came out too, rather odd if I might say so.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.