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Forums - Sony Discussion - Yakuza: Ishin update coming Monday

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Zekkyou said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
Zekkyou said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
CGI-Quality said:

Wouldn't be silly at all, since Yakuza is always a big seller for PlayStation there (both consoles and individual units). It would be just what would get the Japanese region on board. There's only two other, unlikely, scenarios, and they both point to a PlayStation. 

The last 3 barely broke 500k on a console that is region free and a much bigger install base then PS4. Vita maybe but PS4 would be suicide. You really think 500k is a big seller? lol sorry I just find that amusing. NMH, MAdworld are now big sellers

Urg, why do people think sales are directly proportional to install base... Fall of Man was released at the PS3's launch, but it still sold over 4 million copies ¬_¬ 

Anyway, Yakuza is a big series in japan, the last three have each sold about 600k over there. For reference, Super Mario Galazy 2 sold less than a million copies in japan and Skyward Sword sold less than 400k copies. So as you can see, 600k is actually pretty good for a home console release in japan.

You only have one game and that was due to there being nothing else to play.

SMG and Zelda are region locked. Yakuza isnt and the point I was making is that on a region free console, people who claimed it was a needed feaeture should be buying Yakuza but that isnt the case. If Region free is so important then the games that are exclusive to Japan should reflect that. The fact is that they dont.

600k worldwide is not stellar sales. But please bring up more region locked games to combat this argument.

Games sell over the period of years. When a console launches, while the install base may be smaller, the number of games it has to compete with is tiny. I could name you several games released during the first year of a console that have sold several million copies. Gears of War? Resistance? Motorstorm? The Elder Scrolls 4? I think you get the point :) 

Of cooourse! A game heavily aimed at the Japanese market, spoken in a language that only a minority outside of japan know, is obviously going to be imported hundreds of thousands of times in the west! How silly of me ^^

Seriously though, that's a hilarious statement :P For that to be true compared to let's say, Skyward Sword, you would be making the claim that over 1/3 of it's Japanese sales were imports :')

Wow. Wii is region locked so no that claim wouldnt be true.




When you understand the difference get back to me. Otherwise its pointless to argue with you because you have shown a clear lack of understanding of the argument.

You even go so far as to claim 1/ 3rd of SS sales should be from other regions. First SS wasnt exclusive to 1 region and it also was on a region locked console. So people that imported it couldnt even play it. People constantly argue that region free is important. Idf that is true then Yakuza sales should back it up but they dont.

I am not trying to be rude but honestly you dont understand whats being said here. You are naming off games on a region locked console to counter that Region free is important. That doesnt even make sense..

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ListerOfSmeg said:

Wow. Wii is region locked so no that claim wouldnt be true.




When you understand the difference get back to me. Otherwise its pointless to argue with you because you have shown a clear lack of understanding of the argument.

You even go so far as to claim 1/ 3rd of SS sales should be from other regions. First SS wasnt exclusive to 1 region and it also was on a region locked console. So people that imported it couldnt even play it. People constantly argue that region free is important. Idf that is true then Yakuza sales should back it up but they dont.

I am not trying to be rude but honestly you dont understand whats being said here. You are naming off games on a region locked console to counter that Region free is important. That doesnt even make sense..

Either my grammar is off, or you have completely miss understood what I said :/

I was talking about Yakuza’s sales in reference to Skyward Sword, not SS itself. You were claiming Yakuza's sales to be unimpressive because it was region free. I was saying that while yes, Skyward Sword is region locked; yakuza still outsold it in Japan by over 200,000 copies. That would mean you either think Skyward Sword (and proportionally SMG2) have unimpressive sales in japan, or you would be saying that over 1/3 of Yakuza’s sales were imports, as that’s the only way you could claim its sales to be less then Skywards Sword’s in Japan (which would mean that, combined with its western sales, yakuza 3 sold more outside of Japan than inside. Seeing as it’s about as Japanese as a game can get, I think you will agree that’s rather absurd). It can only be one of those two ^^

So either you've gona a bit nutty, or you would be admitting that at least two of Nintendo’s biggest franchises having undesirable sales in Japan (on a platform with a bigger install base no less, since you seem to love throwing that around) :P take your pick~

And yes, region free is important, but when it comes to Japanese games that applies to a very small minority (Japanese is not a language commonly spoken outside of Japan, like most Asian languages). I myself like region free because it lets me play US games on EU consoles, which can be very convenient since the EU gets a lot of late releases. People living pretty much anywhere except the US would probably feel the same. (Occasionally Europe gets a game first :P occasionally… ¬_¬).

PS: I’m not saying your logic isn’t correct, just the scale you are claiming it applies too. I’m sure being region free does increase the sales of Japanese games, but it’s very unlikely to be any more than a few % for the biggest released, let alone a game as niche in the west as Yakuza. ~

Edit: I should also note, the 600k is not for worldwide, it's just japan. You seemed confused about that earlier. Worldwide is closer to about 1 million each. 
Its sales outside of Japan were pretty impressive considering the nature of the game.


What some guys here in the Forum would explain is that every Company that work for a next gen game is stupid in your eyes because the all start with a Hardware Basis of Zero.

The last vakuza games were all exclusive to PS3 and sony surly spend some Money for that exclusivity. Thats one of the reason why yakuza was profitable for sega. So why should it be another case with the pS4 now. Sony spend Money and segha will take it.

CGI-Quality said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
CGI-Quality said:

You can try to be as, ironically, condescending as you want. Another PC port? Not sure where I brought up another, but in that vein, why list Warframe and skip Outlast or Daylight (games that will remain exclusive to the PS4, regarding consoles)? In fact, why leave out a bunch of games? 

Oh well, since you ignored Yakuza, no need to go any further, as you've tripped over yourself enough. It was at least clarified how it's big in Japan, on just one device, anyway.

What? All I got from that is you lost the argument and want to spin it into something it isnt. Console exclusive? Doesnt change that its a port of a PC game.

I know facts get in the way of your bias so of course you will ignore them. everything I listed is either a PC port or multi platform. To combat it, you bring up yet another PC port.

I didnt ignore Yakuza, its not a PS4 launch game. Tell yuo what you keep living in your dream world and I will keep living in the REAL world.LOL

If it is on PC its not exclusive. Just because PS4 is the only console getting PC ports doesnt make them exclusive but of course you are too bias to see that. It also isnt proof Developers are taking risks on PS4 by porting their PC games to it.

I definitely didn't "lose" the argument. At all. You were given factual data contradicting your theories and, as evidenced by your redirected comments, you know they're flimsy. Also, you did ignore Yakuza, as I asked you where did you expect it to launch (and this was among several pieces of the debate you avoided). I didn't bring up Outlast/Daylight to tout them, I was pointing out how Sony are working with 3rd party companies to bring new content to the system (which would include Yakuza), not available on other consoles. Of course they start with a fanbase of zero, but so what? Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox exclusive, while the previous two titles were multiplatform. Do you think it will suffer as a result? Something to think about.

As for this topic, revisit it if Yakuza: Ishin isn't unveiled for the Vita or PS4, I'll gladly admit to being wrong if so. But, in the meantime, debate without the insults next time.

Edit: I see I wasn't the only one. Just need an a little attitude adjustment.

It pains me to see you guys waste your time on Smeg. It's just not worth it.

DucksUnlimited said:
CGI-Quality said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
CGI-Quality said:

You can try to be as, ironically, condescending as you want. Another PC port? Not sure where I brought up another, but in that vein, why list Warframe and skip Outlast or Daylight (games that will remain exclusive to the PS4, regarding consoles)? In fact, why leave out a bunch of games? 

Oh well, since you ignored Yakuza, no need to go any further, as you've tripped over yourself enough. It was at least clarified how it's big in Japan, on just one device, anyway.

What? All I got from that is you lost the argument and want to spin it into something it isnt. Console exclusive? Doesnt change that its a port of a PC game.

I know facts get in the way of your bias so of course you will ignore them. everything I listed is either a PC port or multi platform. To combat it, you bring up yet another PC port.

I didnt ignore Yakuza, its not a PS4 launch game. Tell yuo what you keep living in your dream world and I will keep living in the REAL world.LOL

If it is on PC its not exclusive. Just because PS4 is the only console getting PC ports doesnt make them exclusive but of course you are too bias to see that. It also isnt proof Developers are taking risks on PS4 by porting their PC games to it.

I definitely didn't "lose" the argument. At all. You were given factual data contradicting your theories and, as evidenced by your redirected comments, you know they're flimsy. Also, you did ignore Yakuza, as I asked you where did you expect it to launch (and this was among several pieces of the debate you avoided). I didn't bring up Outlast/Daylight to tout them, I was pointing out how Sony are working with 3rd party companies to bring new content to the system (which would include Yakuza), not available on other consoles. Of course they start with a fanbase of zero, but so what? Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox exclusive, while the previous two titles were multiplatform. Do you think it will suffer as a result? Something to think about.

As for this topic, revisit it if Yakuza: Ishin isn't unveiled for the Vita or PS4, I'll gladly admit to being wrong if so. But, in the meantime, debate without the insults next time.

Edit: I see I wasn't the only one. Just need an a little attitude adjustment.

It pains me to see you guys waste your time on Smeg. It's just not worth it.

Lulz it's why I stopped after he showed me an incomplete list of games on next gen consoles. Not even worth my time.

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I'm guessing this will be for Ps4 seen as all of Yakuzas success has come from Sony platforms.

ListerOfSmeg should have his ban increased from his derailing on this thread, man that guy never quits.

riderz13371 said:
DucksUnlimited said:
CGI-Quality said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
CGI-Quality said:

You can try to be as, ironically, condescending as you want. Another PC port? Not sure where I brought up another, but in that vein, why list Warframe and skip Outlast or Daylight (games that will remain exclusive to the PS4, regarding consoles)? In fact, why leave out a bunch of games? 

Oh well, since you ignored Yakuza, no need to go any further, as you've tripped over yourself enough. It was at least clarified how it's big in Japan, on just one device, anyway.

What? All I got from that is you lost the argument and want to spin it into something it isnt. Console exclusive? Doesnt change that its a port of a PC game.

I know facts get in the way of your bias so of course you will ignore them. everything I listed is either a PC port or multi platform. To combat it, you bring up yet another PC port.

I didnt ignore Yakuza, its not a PS4 launch game. Tell yuo what you keep living in your dream world and I will keep living in the REAL world.LOL

If it is on PC its not exclusive. Just because PS4 is the only console getting PC ports doesnt make them exclusive but of course you are too bias to see that. It also isnt proof Developers are taking risks on PS4 by porting their PC games to it.

I definitely didn't "lose" the argument. At all. You were given factual data contradicting your theories and, as evidenced by your redirected comments, you know they're flimsy. Also, you did ignore Yakuza, as I asked you where did you expect it to launch (and this was among several pieces of the debate you avoided). I didn't bring up Outlast/Daylight to tout them, I was pointing out how Sony are working with 3rd party companies to bring new content to the system (which would include Yakuza), not available on other consoles. Of course they start with a fanbase of zero, but so what? Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox exclusive, while the previous two titles were multiplatform. Do you think it will suffer as a result? Something to think about.

As for this topic, revisit it if Yakuza: Ishin isn't unveiled for the Vita or PS4, I'll gladly admit to being wrong if so. But, in the meantime, debate without the insults next time.

Edit: I see I wasn't the only one. Just need an a little attitude adjustment.

It pains me to see you guys waste your time on Smeg. It's just not worth it.

Lulz it's why I stopped after he showed me an incomplete list of games on next gen consoles. Not even worth my time.

I corrected him TWICE, in two different threads on two different days, when he said that everything on the PS4 other than singleplayer gaming was behind the PS+ paywall. Pezus also corrected him. He of course ignored us and continued stating it.

Like I said, you made the right choice lol