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Forums - Website Topics - Gran Turismo 5 or Forza 3

I'd like the feeling of Forza,but I suit better with Gran Turismo's games,so I'm going to wait for GT5.

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rocketpig said:

Most of my comparisons work just as well for Forza as they do Forza 2. But you're right, comparing different generations to each other doesn't make much sense.

Then again, it doesn't make sense to compare Forza 2 to GT5 when Forza 2 might be two years old when GT5 releases. If not two years, it will be well over a year and a half old.

Yeah, but then you could say it won't make sense to compare FM3 to GT5 since GT5 will be old when FM3 comes out.  IMO, it will make sense to compare FM2 to GT5 until FM3 is released.  :)

@exploits: Yeah, exploits are teh suck.  GT4's "solution" was to penalize you for bumping into your opponent; the problem with that was that in AI matches, the AI never received a penalty (and the player would often be penalized for contact that was the AI's fault).  Of course, the problem with damage is that when you bump someone off the track, you get penalized with damage, but they get penalized with much more damage, since they go off the track and hit the wall.  Not exactly a fair system.  There really is no fair system, which is why I'll primarily play GT5 online with people I know, and probably not play random matches at all.

I'm going with GT5, i have always been a GT fan and i will always be one. I'm sure Forza is a great game, but i don't think i'll buy it since GT is still around.

gebx said:
What do we know about Forza 3??

Nothing.. not sure how you guys can make a comparison

 Well we know the 360 couldn't handle GT5, so you can conclude that GT5 will have better graphics

Zucas said:
Neither. Racing simulations are boring. Need some kinda action to make anything like that fun. Otherwise its just you playing Nascar and its boring enough to watch already haha.

 I'm guessing you've played neither series, and the only thing that entertains you are explosions and blood.

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Ive only played GT3, and I have to say it was a really good game, although I dont personally like racing simulation games.

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Can anyone give me some solid examples of what makes GT so far superior to forza? So far all I'v read is "just somthing about it" and "it just is" Also I think its completely fair to compare forza 1 to GT 3 and 4 as they are the same gen. I really just feel like nearly all of you are talking without any experience of forza, (watching a video is not playing!) which is kinda sad because if you are indeed racing sim fans you really are missing out on one of the best experiences around. Im not going to sit here and argure that forza is a better game it does have it share of shortcomings, but to say GT flat out is miles ahead is pretty inaccurate. When all is said and done what is a racing sim other then how the cars feel on the tracks? one area I feel that forza has a pretty big lead. Not only do I feel forza 3 will be more fun then GT5 in many ways I think even forza 2 will hold up well to it! Forza 3's main problem is going to be disc space, if they can figure out a solution it sould be a really solid title which I hope more of you give a fair chance.

evvil brings up good points. We have heard nothing of the GT5 engine but we know Forza runs its phsyics engine runs at 360 FPS. While I doubt that Gt is going to be anything less of amazing, the pure fanboyism/ignorance in this thread is amazing.

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I think they are both good games. If I was trying to race someone and have the results come out honest, I would choose Forza 2. Hopefully GT penalizes people for slapping others around enough to make it not worth it.

Damage in GT5 will be nice, but I'm interested to see how much of an effect it has. I don't expect we'll see real beercan crushing damage. I expect it will be more dented fenders, broken glass, and missing bumpers because the car manufacturers probably have limits on how much damage they want their cars to take in the game.

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