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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 controller (& Touchpad) will work on PC natively via USB according to a developer

The PlayStation 4′s Dualshock 4 Will (Reportedly) Work on Computers
Published on September 4, 2013, by Austin Griffith

According to Redditor dzle, the developers of Galak-Z confirmed last weekend at PAX Prime in Seattle that all PlayStation 4 controllers will work on computers simply by plugging them in via the micro-usb connector without any finagling. It is also reported that the touchpad will also be able to be mapped like the touchpad on your everyday laptop. If this all comes to be true, the PlayStation 4 may just become the next generation controller you have to have for PC gaming.

According to the Redditor, “Galak-Z currently is not stable on the PS4. Thus they had PCs with DS4s [Dualshock 4's] on the show floor running the game. I asked if this implied the PS4 controller works on PC, which he said ‘yes it works as a regular USB controller’.” Also implying that the PlayStation 4′s Dualshock 4 will work as a simple plug-and-play controller, possibly even with bluetooth (if we’re lucky.)

As it stands, most gamers prefer the Xbox 360 controller for the most comfortable computer gaming – we’ll have to see how that opinion fares come November 22nd when both competitors consoles go head to head.

We’ve reached out to Galak-Z and Sony to confirm this and will update should we hear back.

From Reddit:

Not sure if news, but was confirmed to me by a Galak-Z dev on the show floor at PAX. The PS4 controller will work on PC natively via USB. It was not confirmed if it works via bluetooth, and the laptop it was running on had Windows 7. It was also not confirmed that the touchpad worked natively.
If the the touchpad could mapped to mouse movement on PC, this would be the ultimate gaming PC controller.

EDIT: Some clarification on how this was asked; Per this same dev, Galak-Z currently is not stable on the PS4. Thus they had PCs with DS4s on the show floor running the game. I asked if this implied the PS4 controller works on PC, which he said 'yes it works as a regular USB controller'.

EDIT2: As other people have said, Transistor as well was running on PC using wired PS4 controllers.

EDIT3: Halon50 posted further verification and a video here. Looks very similar to the leaked Dev DS4 from before the PS4 reveal.


/shamelessly stolen from GAF

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My new pc controller. Beautiful.

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

This is great news, especially if the touchpad could perform mouse functions.

Yay. Although I'm happy with my 360 controller, the DS4 looks like it'll be better.

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this will gladly be replacing my wired x360 controller for pc.

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.

Not surprising for the best console controller.

if true why wouldnt sony have said anything?

If this is true, it will replace my Xbox 360 controller in time, I really like the look of this controller, but can't be sure until I get to try it for myself

It is also really expensive, so I might stay with the 360 controller for a while until I have a second spare PS4 controller, because I am just that lazy

Azerth said:
if true why wouldnt sony have said anything?

Maybe they prefer you to play ps4 games on your ps4 with your ps4 pad instead of paying games on steam and play it with their pad.