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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which will be the first Company to exit Console bzness & which will enter

Sony and Nintendo stay for sure for at least 2 more generations I say.

I'd guarentee Microsoft has at least 1 more generation and it is dependant on how the "720" performs for if theres a "1080".

It wouldn't come as a shock to me if Apple enters the gaming market with an iStation or iConsole. It has the iPod, iPhone, Laptops, Desktop computers, the ony thing left is a Console.

Next Gen will be:

Playstation 4
Wii 2
Xbox 720

The next Gen after that could be:

iConsole (apple system)
Wii 3 (or a different name)
Xbox 1080

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Microsoft,but not before 2015 imo.
Matsushita(Panasonic) or Apple would be my guess.And that even before one of the three companies quits.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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IBM won't be entering. While they DO make chips, they have no solid consumer-level presence anymore(Heck, even their PC division ended up being sold off to Lenovo). They are making PLENTY of money this gen anyway, since they either manufacture or receive royalties from the processors that power all three of the current competitors. IBM also partnered with Atari to manufacture the Jaguar and we all know how that turned out.

Apple is the most likely candidate to enter the market.
Nokia has been trying to move into the portable gaming market for awhile and theoretically COULD try their hand at the home market, though I think that's doubtful.

As far as one of the current major players leaving... I don't see it happening, at least until the middle of generation 8.

i think the most likely new canidate is apple. they already have alot of things out there and next could be a console. has anyone heard any rumors from them about making a console?

My guess... Nintendo, Sony and MS will be in for at least one more generation. Probably Sony or MS will leave after PS4 or Xbox720. The most likely is Sony, since they don't have infinite cash. And for the incomers, that'll probably be a come back from either Apple (with their new diversification : ipod, apple tv, iphone...), or Panasonic (the brand that's like Sony in the early 90s).

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I could see apple making a handheld. But an actually console.. doubtful. I think 3 systems is more than enough and if they enter they will die off quickly.

TheRealMafoo said:
Blaze said:
none of the companys will be leaveing they are all in the black so there is no reason to leave..... sega was dieing for a while before it left the game.

MS has 6 billion to go before it can say it's in the black. No one will leave this generation, and both will come out with a new console. So your asking us who we think will leave, and who will enter in 15 years?

No clue.

 Well sorry i didn't explain myself well enough MS is in the black for the last 2 quaters which is new for them.  So if they stuck around when they were losing money there is no way they will leave when they are making money.  I do agree that each one with come out with a new console next generation. 

I don't think that neither Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft will be leaving the market anytime soo unless someone else enters the market. This is because the wordwide market can support three consoles each generation. In order for one of those companies to be forced out a new competitor must emerge to make it a four console race. Personally I would like to see either Toshiba or Hitachi enter the market. I choose them for two reasons one being that they have made different parts for different consoles over the years. Secondly they could reduce the cost of what it takes to make one of their own by producing in house. Both companies manufacture hard drives and chips of their own which could be put into a new console.

Systems I own (Games)

Sega: Dreamcast (40) , Saturn (25), Genesis (50), Masters System (10), Game Gear (20)

Sony: PS1 (8), PS2 (60) , PS3 (5), PSP (12)

Atari: 2600 (18) , 7800 (10), Lynx (10)

A Microsoft merger with Nintendo? How about Sega re-enter video console market?

By the end of the last two console generations Sony with PS1 and PS2, had a console market share in excess of over 75%. Sony now in a competitive market will be lucky to have a 30% market share with its PS3 for this generation. Predictions end of generation (2012): Wii 150 million (50%), PS3 90 million (30%) XBox 360 60 million (20%). That is assuming Microsoft will exit generation by the end of 2010 and release new MS console.