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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who will sell more in 2014. PS4, Xbox One or WiiU (Edited thread)


Who will sell more in 2014

Ps4 562 40.87%
Xbox One 471 34.25%
WiiU 241 17.53%
See results 99 7.20%

It's pretty clear that ps4 will be leading(2013, 2014 and whole gen), so it's all down to who is gonna take 2nd place? I think Nintendo.

Nintendo 2018

English is not my native language.
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I would say Wii U. I know it had some bad negative sales since Launch but I think it's waking up. Look at all the AMAZING upcoming video games that are coming out. My 2nd choice would be PS4!

I would go with the ps4 but it's really hard to predict specially now that Wii U is more cheap than before.

PS4 will dominate up until the last quarter, then Halo 5 comes out alongside a price cut and X1 gains back all that ground. From then onward there are so many variables I don't want to make too many specific predictions, but I think either one dominating is out of the question. We'll have a second round of twins, like last gen, except nintendo's system will be the one lagging behind this time.

Wii u will sell the most!

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CGI-Quality said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

PS4 will dominate up until the last quarter, then Halo 5 comes out alongside a price cut and X1 gains back all that ground. From then onward there are so many variables I don't want to make too many specific predictions, but I think either one dominating is out of the question. We'll have a second round of twins, like last gen, except nintendo's system will be the one lagging behind this time.

I highly doubt Halo 5 would be enough for the X1 to gain all of that back. 

Halo 5 + price cut. When I say gain back, it might still be a couple million behind, but they'll have levelled the playing field.

Depends on a few factors...

1. Will third parties continue to support XBox 360 and PS3 so strongly? So far there are relatively few games coming exclusively to Sony and MS's next gen platforms. Final Fantasy XV, The Division (I think that's what it's called), Kingdom Hearts 3, Deep Down, Dead Rising 3, and Witcher 3. Some of these titles are 2015 or later. The biggest system selling titles are going to be cross gen. If this pattern continues into 2014, this could slow adoption for next gen consoles. If on the other hand Activision announced that the next COD would be exclusively next gen (not gonna happen) people would start trading up.

2. What big guns does Sony have? We know MS will have it's biggest franchise ready for 2014. Sony has preferred in the past to establish new franchises for new generations. I'm not sure they have anything major to really stand against Halo. Of course, none of this will matter if XBox One stays at $500. But, I don't think the XBone will last at its current price.

3. Will Nintendo's marketing stop being shit? Self explanatory really. Their dubstep crap is not working. They have a good lineup for the holidays, and if the marketing is there, the Wii U can turn around. Nintendo really needs to explain why the Gamepad is necessary.

Ultimately, I'm going to go with Nintendo. Is that because I'm a fanboy? Maybe. But, it's also because I know more about Nintendo's 2014 lineup. Mario Kart and Smash are system sellers. X and Bayonetta have a good chance to draw some attention. Nintendo needs more games for the back half of the year, but what they have is good on paper, and they have price on their side. Until Sony or MS show off a better lineup, I'll back Nintendo.

I'm just going to go with my confirmation bias. Seems legit.

Xbox One all day. LOL

JWeinCom said:
Depends on a few factors...

1. Will third parties continue to support XBox 360 and PS3 so strongly? So far there are relatively few games coming exclusively to Sony and MS's next gen platforms. Final Fantasy XV, The Division (I think that's what it's called), Kingdom Hearts 3, Deep Down, Dead Rising 3, and Witcher 3. Some of these titles are 2015 or later. The biggest system selling titles are going to be cross gen. If this pattern continues into 2014, this could slow adoption for next gen consoles. If on the other hand Activision announced that the next COD would be exclusively next gen (not gonna happen) people would start trading up.

2. What big guns does Sony have? We know MS will have it's biggest franchise ready for 2014. Sony has preferred in the past to establish new franchises for new generations. I'm not sure they have anything major to really stand against Halo. Of course, none of this will matter if XBox One stays at $500. But, I don't think the XBone will last at its current price.

3. Will Nintendo's marketing stop being shit? Self explanatory really. Their dubstep crap is not working. They have a good lineup for the holidays, and if the marketing is there, the Wii U can turn around. Nintendo really needs to explain why the Gamepad is necessary.

Ultimately, I'm going to go with Nintendo. Is that because I'm a fanboy? Maybe. But, it's also because I know more about Nintendo's 2014 lineup. Mario Kart and Smash are system sellers. X and Bayonetta have a good chance to draw some attention. Nintendo needs more games for the back half of the year, but what they have is good on paper, and they have price on their side. Until Sony or MS show off a better lineup, I'll back Nintendo.


Very well thought out response.  I think Sony will be slower to roll out their announcements because frankly they don't need big game announcements yet with the way preorders are going.  I do think that they will announce something big at the VGAs (Naughty Dog has a history there) for 2014.  Also they announced 20 first party titles in the first year of PS4 at E3 compared to MS's 15 that they announced for Xbox One in its first year at their reveal show.  So obviously they have something other than the 5 they've shown (Knack, Order, Infamous, KZ, DC).  I don't think price will be an issue this gen for Sony against MS.  Unless MS goes Kinectless they will be able to undercut MS at every turn much like this gen (the other way around).  They don't have custom parts to keep the cost up this time.  I think Nintendo will do very well and I'm going to get WiiU Black Friday 2014 when I can get it for around $250 with a game bundled (if it's Mario Kart, Smash, DK, Mario 3D, or Zelda WW HD I'm all over that bundle since those are the primary reasons I would be getting the system).  X even has me interested and I'm not a JRPG guy (it has transforming robot tanks and DINOSAURS!) and I'm sure we'll get a Zelda announcement (new one) at E3 next year (if they don't blow it in a pre-E3 direct).  So my 2 favorite companies are looking set for the foreseeable future and I couldn't be happier as a gamer.  Also still got plenty to play on PS3 once GTA kicks off the Fall release season.

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CGI-Quality said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

Halo 5 + price cut. When I say gain back, it might still be a couple million behind, but they'll have levelled the playing field.

I can imagine them gaining back 500k-1 million, but not much more than that since no other Halo ever provided such a boost. Could it happen, yes.

OK so I looked at the numbers.

Halo 3 maybe sold 500k systems (40% sales boost for 2 weeks,, to count the rest is too much math, so I'm ballparking). 360's first price cut (1 yr after halo 3) gave it a similar boost (, and that was a $50 price cut. If X1 got a $100 price cut alongside Halo 5 releasing I could see that being the catalyst to the gap closing 1.5-2m over the next 2 or 3 quarters.

BUT this is assuming there's a price cut, and it's a big one, and Halo 5 is as big as Halo 3 (which seems unlikely given all the extra competition in FPSs now), and PS4 doesn't have it's own system sellers, and so many other variables. So you're probably right and I overestimated the impact price cuts and big franchises have on platform sales.