Xenostar said:
selnor1983 said:
iamdeath said:
DeadBigfoot21 said: Hope its true. Just wait for etomaz to come here and spin this thing around.....waiting... |
There is nothing to spin.............this is a rumour and highly unilkely, all the hardware specs have been officially outlined for ages.
Actually thats not true. Theres about 30 % of Hardware info Microsoft is not saying anything about. It is a fact that there is a NDA on the APU design in Xbo One. Why? Who knows. But this is the 7th rumour on this in 3 weeks. So who knows.
On the real side. So far the PS4 dos not have ay game visuals that beat XboX One. ITs only launch I know. Bu if PS4 is relly more powerful, why do Sony feel the need to mention it 500 times a week. Saying look at Killzone etc. Because Forza 5, Ryse and Quantum Break all look at th top for ingame visuals. PS4 is currently leadinng nothing in the graphics department on release. And I expect DF and reviews to support this on launch.
Think youll be dissapointed, after the KI downgrade to 720p, just wonder what other games were bull shitting there capabilities on high end PC's at E3
1. Sony has had not one single game running on finished hardware. Not one. Microsoft on the other hand as had Forza 5, Ryse, Killer Instinct and Dead Rising 3 running on retail Xbox Ones at E3, Gamescom and Pax. Confirmed by more than 5 sources. Including Digital Foundry.
2. There could be numerous reasons as to why certain developers are dropping the resolution. Including running out of time to rewrite code. Noone knows how long developers have had final devkits for either console.
3. Forza 5 and Killer Instinct are getting praise for being the smoothest games at events like Gamescom and Pax. Sounds like concentrating on 60 fps was massively smart for launch titles. If Killer Instinct sells well, Im sure the next game will be native 1080p and 60 fps, wjilst having even more of tose amazing particle effects they have. The game already looks stunning. Best fighter visuals by a country mile.
4. I think Sony is setting its fans up for disappointment. What happens if this rumour is true? And its unlocked for 2nd wave games. Is possible, and will make Sony PS4 hugely underpowered in comparison.