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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [RUMOR]Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU Core Stacked Inside the APU

Putin said:
selnor1983 said:
Putin said:
So MS goed and lied about specs, just because... They want XBO to sell worse than PS4.

Even if that NDA exist, it won't restrict them to say "our console have 2 dGPU's with overal power of...". They just won't show or explain design till AMD permits it.

Have you ever thought maybe it was Microsoft that made the NDA? So Sony wouldnt find out about the 2nd GPU?

September 29 would put Sony in a postion where they cant delay the PS4 at all. Its to late.

Certainly plausible.

It's not "fast and furious" you know. There is no point to hide something like that till the end. It's 2 month away from launch, every big studio have dev kits, a lot of developers working on them. Do you think they not talking just because? Or MS that stupid to provide them with unfinished dev kits, just to make a surprise comback near launch?

Not only it make cosole cost more, alowing Sony to retaliate with lower price, but power consumption, possible overheating(yelds rumors), more complex arcitecture to prolonge game development. e t.c.

PS2 was weaker than XBOX, and that power didn't do a thing for MS.

If, as it has been said numerous times, that Microsoft is in fact under an NDA and unable to disclose anything more specific until after the 29th of September, then they would have a legal obligation not to say anything more.

Microsoft takes NDAs very seriously.  Both internally and externally.  As a point of reference, during the Kinect beta, Microsoft sent private investigators to peoples homes to retrieve the Kinect sent to people who violated the NDA.  For that beta, the NDA simply said "Don't say anything to anyone about it."  The only thing people had to do was not say or post anything.  No pictures, no videos, and no comments.  And those who violated it found themselves face to face with a private investigator at their door asking for the Kinect back.  Two months out from release Microsoft took Kinect that seriously.

In 2004 Microsoft received a shipment of Apple Mac G5's at it's receiving dock.  Initially, nothing was said about what they were.  It was a picture.  The outside consultant, who took the picture and posted it on his blog, was fired.  First by Microsoft and then his employer.  It turned out, those were the early DevKits for the Xbox 360.  An innocuous photo, that only gained popularity because of the humor assocaited with Microsoft buying Apple Macs, became grounds for termination.   

How seriously do you think they would take an NDA that would possibly cost them hundreds if not millions of dollars in fines if they violated an NDA between AMD, Intel, and Sony?  Microsoft and its employees take their legal obligation to NDAs seriously.  If you ever become associated with a Microsoft beta, they will hold you to the same expectations of confidentiality.  They aren't pleasant about it. 

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Putin said:
selnor1983 said:

Driveclub will get smashed on DF by Forza 5. DF already said in their preview Fora 5 was much better visually and technically. 

Preview from what? E3 showfloor? when they played early builds? Realy?

Even in videos, Driveclub looks on par, or if used good lightning, even better. Forza will have more cars, customized options, and maybe tracks, yes. But in graphics only, F5 doesn't look better.

Videos mean nothing in these car games as they all have a video mode that render the game above its regular in game visuals.  Until Sony actually have a working playable game on the show floor, no one knows the performance or graphical difference between E3 and now.  A game running under 30FPS will magically be 60 or above is more wishful than this rumor but I am prepared to eat that statement.

Machiavellian said:

Videos mean nothing in these car games as they all have a video mode that render the game above its regular in game visuals.  Until Sony actually have a working playable game on the show floor, no one knows the performance or graphical difference between E3 and now.  A game running under 30FPS will magically be 60 or above is more wishful than this rumor but I am prepared to eat that statement.

Sony had it working and playable for everybody at GamesCom and PAX lol

Videos of people playing? Isn't Driveclub was playable at Gamescom?

Putin said:
Videos of people playing? Isn't Driveclub was playable at Gamescom?

Yes... and PAX too.

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iamdeath said:
Machiavellian said:

I have no clue what MS marketing plan is as pretty much everyone has given up hope trying to understand MS.  How can MS be hurting preorders.  You act as preorders do not get changed with a moment noticed.  I cannot tell you how many times I heard someone say, I changed my preorder because of this or that. Anyone that has a preorder where this news would actually mean something would just change it.  Preorders does not make a generation and it will not define these 2 consoles.

?? Where did I say pre-orders will define this gen?? Why puit words in my mouth.


Again, why keep this a secret when it serves ZERO purpose? Being 100 more is a hard sell when you are less powerfull, if MS had this secret sauce, they would be bragging about it to garner more hype/consumer interest. It is the hardcore gamer that drives early adoption.   It is assinine to think they would hold this back because?? Why?  If the x1 really had this sectret it would spur more pre-orders, and enable them to easier justify the 100 dollar price difference. Right now it serves Zero purpose to keep it hidden. FAct is it doesn't exist that's why.

Well it was you who brought up Preorders as if they were so important that MS would break a NDA just to pimp the X1.  You keep talking about why keep this secrete.  Who says MS is keeping it secrete.  No one knows why there is a NDA, who is included and what arragements were made.  The fact that there is rumored one means that MS cannot make any statements about it until the NDA is released.  I cannot remember a time that MS has ever gone against a NDA since they use them as much as any other company.  Who knows the damages of just a small leak.

iamdeath said:
Machiavellian said:
iamdeath said:

Amd has said on numerous occasions....I am not talking about huma.


With all the bad press and high price no way MS would have not bragged about this when it was found PS4 was more powerfull. They would keep this a secret and possibly huty sales because? Not like Sony can change their hardware,

Can you provide this link of AMD saying the PS4 is more powerful.  I have kept up pretty much on all the rumors statements from all companies and I do not remember seeing anything besides the one presentation where the guy stated that X1 does not have HUMA.  So if AMD has made such statements i am sure you have the links because I did a search and found nothing but the one I mentioned.

Let me give you a hint about preorder, they are easily gain and dropped.  MS do not have to spill all of their cards in one lump and if anything that is exactly what they have done.  In the last 5 weeks or better, MS has release tidbits of positive news constantly.  This definitely if true would be the granddaddy of them all right at a perfect time where final hardware from both companies are done.


Do not get me wrong, I find it very hard to believe this rumor but its been around for a long time and it keeps getting more traction as the D Day approaches.  It would be a coup of un-presented proportions.  I highly doubt MS has such knack but now I am interested to see what happens on Sept 29th.

Thee is no reason for MS to keep it secret, sony cannot change their hardware...this is a moronic rumour. MS would only be hurting pre-orders esepcially with all the talk of the ps4 being more powerfull. What would ms have to gain by keeping it secret (Not possible today anyway)? Nothing.

Well, an NDA with AMD could be a reason.  An NDA that expires around the same time as AMD plans to announce a new architecture... Not saying any of it is true, but yeah.  Not impossible.

ethomaz said:

Machiavellian said:

Videos mean nothing in these car games as they all have a video mode that render the game above its regular in game visuals.  Until Sony actually have a working playable game on the show floor, no one knows the performance or graphical difference between E3 and now.  A game running under 30FPS will magically be 60 or above is more wishful than this rumor but I am prepared to eat that statement.

Sony had it working and playable for everybody at GamesCom and PAX lol

Cool because I could not remember any mag making any statements about playing the game at Gamercons or pax.  I guess I will do some hunting for videos of playable footage if its out there.

g911turbo said:
iamdeath said:
Machiavellian said:
iamdeath said:

Amd has said on numerous occasions....I am not talking about huma.


With all the bad press and high price no way MS would have not bragged about this when it was found PS4 was more powerfull. They would keep this a secret and possibly huty sales because? Not like Sony can change their hardware,

Can you provide this link of AMD saying the PS4 is more powerful.  I have kept up pretty much on all the rumors statements from all companies and I do not remember seeing anything besides the one presentation where the guy stated that X1 does not have HUMA.  So if AMD has made such statements i am sure you have the links because I did a search and found nothing but the one I mentioned.

Let me give you a hint about preorder, they are easily gain and dropped.  MS do not have to spill all of their cards in one lump and if anything that is exactly what they have done.  In the last 5 weeks or better, MS has release tidbits of positive news constantly.  This definitely if true would be the granddaddy of them all right at a perfect time where final hardware from both companies are done.


Do not get me wrong, I find it very hard to believe this rumor but its been around for a long time and it keeps getting more traction as the D Day approaches.  It would be a coup of un-presented proportions.  I highly doubt MS has such knack but now I am interested to see what happens on Sept 29th.

Thee is no reason for MS to keep it secret, sony cannot change their hardware...this is a moronic rumour. MS would only be hurting pre-orders esepcially with all the talk of the ps4 being more powerfull. What would ms have to gain by keeping it secret (Not possible today anyway)? Nothing.

Well, an NDA with AMD could be a reason.  An NDA that expires around the same time as AMD plans to announce a new architecture... Not saying any of it is true, but yeah.  Not impossible.

Sony could be waiting for the NDA too, it works both ways. This is just a bad rumour.

Machiavellian said:

Cool because I could not remember any mag making any statements about playing the game at Gamercons or pax.  I guess I will do some hunting for videos of playable footage if its out there.

There are a lot... even direct feed with bad Facebook quality... I don't know what magazines did you read but here the first result in YouTube:


IGN too.

Now if you want direct feed you need to go to Facebook (directly updaload from PS4 share feature):

And the best quality offscreen video: