Putin said:
It's not "fast and furious" you know. There is no point to hide something like that till the end. It's 2 month away from launch, every big studio have dev kits, a lot of developers working on them. Do you think they not talking just because? Or MS that stupid to provide them with unfinished dev kits, just to make a surprise comback near launch? Not only it make cosole cost more, alowing Sony to retaliate with lower price, but power consumption, possible overheating(yelds rumors), more complex arcitecture to prolonge game development. e t.c. PS2 was weaker than XBOX, and that power didn't do a thing for MS. |
If, as it has been said numerous times, that Microsoft is in fact under an NDA and unable to disclose anything more specific until after the 29th of September, then they would have a legal obligation not to say anything more.
Microsoft takes NDAs very seriously. Both internally and externally. As a point of reference, during the Kinect beta, Microsoft sent private investigators to peoples homes to retrieve the Kinect sent to people who violated the NDA. For that beta, the NDA simply said "Don't say anything to anyone about it." The only thing people had to do was not say or post anything. No pictures, no videos, and no comments. And those who violated it found themselves face to face with a private investigator at their door asking for the Kinect back. Two months out from release Microsoft took Kinect that seriously.
In 2004 Microsoft received a shipment of Apple Mac G5's at it's receiving dock. Initially, nothing was said about what they were. It was a picture. The outside consultant, who took the picture and posted it on his blog, was fired. First by Microsoft and then his employer. It turned out, those were the early DevKits for the Xbox 360. An innocuous photo, that only gained popularity because of the humor assocaited with Microsoft buying Apple Macs, became grounds for termination.
How seriously do you think they would take an NDA that would possibly cost them hundreds if not millions of dollars in fines if they violated an NDA between AMD, Intel, and Sony? Microsoft and its employees take their legal obligation to NDAs seriously. If you ever become associated with a Microsoft beta, they will hold you to the same expectations of confidentiality. They aren't pleasant about it.