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Forums - Sony Discussion - Hot Shots Golf also has 20min install time?!

Why on earth should a save take 2 Gb?!?

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BenKenobi88 said:
Whatever...I remember waiting that long to install games on the PC...10 years ago. :p

 and that was just for disk one of 4


What!!! Hang on a minute.. PS3 games need to be installed?? WTF?

twesterm said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
so 30GB is 6 games, 60GB is 12, 40GB is 8, and 80GB is 16.... WOOO way to limit your sales and turn a problem that was on the Wii (storage) into a problem on the PS3 now... seriously if games keep coming out like that, it's going to be a grim day for some PS3's

Is that taking into account that the game saves are also huge (like 2 gigs for some games)?

Are you serious?

What the hell games have 2GB save files? 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

hehe Remote play FTW. this dosent bother me any just like it dint with DMC4

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@ twesterm )

is there any game in particular you are talking about with 1-2GB savegames ?

mine are:

MotorStorm 892KB
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 134KB
Super Stardust HD 196KB
PixelJunk Monsters 165KB
Gran Turismo HD 140KB
R&C Tools of Destruction 1333KB (each savegame)
Warhawk 486KB
Eye of Judgment 1111KB
PixelJunk Racers 164KB
Nucleus 323KB
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 135KB

^ several of these save games are from demos

Twestern must have his KB's mixed up with MB's.

You were in such a hurry to post negative news about sony, you didn't even check to see if this was ALREADY DISCUSSED!

You phail. Instead of trying to be the first to hate on the PS3, use your eyes.

great... now no console is perfect.

i thought the ps3 is just problematic with its size and price... but this is like purchasing a PC.

probably not a major factor for most users, but this totally turns me off.

the Wii is an epidemic.