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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster has been delayed to 2014 according to SE reps @ PAX

outlawauron said:
badgenome said:
If we need an indication of just how far Square-Enix has fallen, this was announced back in September 2011 and according to Wikipedia it only took them two years to develop FFX in the first place.

I understand your point, but this isn't a fair comparison at all. This HD remaster is lucky to have 1/10th of the team and 1/10th of the resources that FFX did. Despite that, they've made some good changes and it's not a lazy remaster.

This remaster likely requires 1-10 of a team or even less. Theyre not building a game from scratch, theyre retouching textures and porting the game to PS3+PSV hardware. Hobbiest do this on PC games all the time with mods, No HD remaster is that  grand of an undertaking. Not Even Windwaker HD.  2 years in development is just silly  and baffling 

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badgenome said:
RenCutypoison said:

Not sure a 100 people worked on the port.

I should hope not, and that's not really the point. It's about their inability to manage development efficiently anymore.

Old fags directing old fags in a old company. Just to say that's getting old

teigaga said:

This remaster likely requires 1-10 of a team or even less. Theyre not building a game from scratch, theyre retouching textures and porting the game to PS3+PSV hardware. Hobbiest do this on PC games all the time with mods, No HD remaster is that  grand of an undertaking. Not Even Windwaker HD.  2 years in development is just silly  and baffling

For comparison's sake, Kingdom Hearts HD was started on around the same time, was worked on by like four people (two of whom were programmers), and was already released six months ago in Japan with a worldwide release next week. X/X-2 is perhaps a little more ambitious of a remaster than that, but not THAT much more.

this is what happens when you have too many projects at once 

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

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Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.

I really doubt that they will release the game in the same month as Lightning returns. Why would they delay the game? I hope that the TGS will shed some light in the release date of the game.

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teigaga said:
outlawauron said:
badgenome said:
If we need an indication of just how far Square-Enix has fallen, this was announced back in September 2011 and according to Wikipedia it only took them two years to develop FFX in the first place.

I understand your point, but this isn't a fair comparison at all. This HD remaster is lucky to have 1/10th of the team and 1/10th of the resources that FFX did. Despite that, they've made some good changes and it's not a lazy remaster.

This remaster likely requires 1-10 of a team or even less. Theyre not building a game from scratch, theyre retouching textures and porting the game to PS3+PSV hardware. Hobbiest do this on PC games all the time with mods, No HD remaster is that  grand of an undertaking. Not Even Windwaker HD.  2 years in development is just silly  and baffling 

Except they remastered the entire soundtrack and redid every character mode. There is no mod that comes close to this level of detail.

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outlawauron said:
teigaga said:
outlawauron said:
badgenome said:
If we need an indication of just how far Square-Enix has fallen, this was announced back in September 2011 and according to Wikipedia it only took them two years to develop FFX in the first place.

I understand your point, but this isn't a fair comparison at all. This HD remaster is lucky to have 1/10th of the team and 1/10th of the resources that FFX did. Despite that, they've made some good changes and it's not a lazy remaster.

This remaster likely requires 1-10 of a team or even less. Theyre not building a game from scratch, theyre retouching textures and porting the game to PS3+PSV hardware. Hobbiest do this on PC games all the time with mods, No HD remaster is that  grand of an undertaking. Not Even Windwaker HD.  2 years in development is just silly  and baffling 

Except they remastered the entire soundtrack and redid every character mode. There is no mod that comes close to this level of detail.

The soundtrack is more a issue of money then time and remodeling all 7 characters can be done in 1 week by a few people. They still look like they belong to a ps2 game and Im sure they use the same rig and animations. (maybe not the lip syncing which would take a lot of time)

Also I wasnt refering to a FF mod, just mods in general many of which are far more ambitious then this visually. Of course they dont have to deal with porting which actually the most time consuming part of a remaster.

On a seperate note, I dont know why they opted to redo the character models instead of just allowing the high poly models found during the in engine cutscenes to be used in game.

some how I dont believe this at all. they have been releasing a steady stream of media indicating a soon to be release , and have giving no indication of a delay

I honestly thought it was coming out in 2014 anyway. Did they ever say it was coming in 2013?

I am the Playstation Avenger.