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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%
Goatseye said:
Osc89 said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
A good portion of them have been in attack mode against the X1 and Wii U because that's all they really can do at this point because for all of Sonys talk, they have nothing to back it up.

Surely Sony has the most to back them up? Their console sales range from 79m (and counting) to 158m. MS has never made it to this range, and they have never been as low as Nintendo at 22m.

MS doesn't have a country to back'em up and ditch their competition.

Microsofts fault they have always been an maerican console SOny is WW, and appeals to different markets better.

Around the Network
iamdeath said:
Zero999 said:

Xone has more excluives but is $100 more expensive and it's name is stained.

ps4 is cheaper with less compelling exclusives.

still not anyone's game but ps4 has the advantage over xone and wii u has the advantage over ps4 and xone.

ROFL, said no one ever.,

what's ROFL?

ListerOfSmeg said:
I would say of course it has. While Sony fans rule the internet they don't speak for the masses, sales of Vita and PS3 proved that even with their high preorders. A lot of Sony fans are desperate at this point to try to convince anyone they can that PS4 is worth owning. Now suddenly indie games are more important than AAA games. They hated paying for online but now everyone should be more than happy to. A good portion of them have been in attack mode against the X1 and Wii U because that's all they really can do at this point because for all of Sonys talk, they have nothing to back it up.
After Reggie made his statement I saw on many sites the very same people that were trashing the X1 begging MS fans to come to their aid and attack Nintendo. Their desperation is a true sign of how things will really play out and I have never seen Sony fans more desperate around the web. Pulling up 2 day sales in 1 region to call a game a flop? That's desperation at its finest. People often mistake me as someone who doesn't like Sony. I love Sony. I just don't like the vocal minority of their fan base that makes all gamers look bad. Saw a grown adult with kids today acting like a 12 year old on Facebook. Why would I want to be lumped in with people like that? They make all gamers look bad

What you are saying here is completely false.  Also, you are aware that PS3 has sold more units than 360 right?  I own every console available except WiiU and Ouya, and while I like 360 for certain things, mainly Halo and Trials, the PS3 destroys it.  If you are a PS+ member you don't even have to buy games for it.

the Xbone will only do ok in USA, it will bomb terribly everywhere else, and it will be far behind the PS4 in USA at the end. If MS could not leave Sony in the dust when the ps3 had everything against it, now that the ps4 has everything in its favor, is going to be like Original Xbox vs Ps2 numbers this gen.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

brendude13 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Both consoles are great in my book, I'm just a little biased towards Xbox, although I try to stay in the middle as much as I can.

Make an account called NobleTeamPS3...NAOW!

Lol, never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Around the Network
iamdeath said:

Nope, Ps4 pre-orders actually increased the gap.. Why do people put so much meaning behind launch titles? They have little bearing on a console success over the long haul, and many we have no idea how good ore bad they are...


Sony launching not a year behind and not 200 bucks more expensive, with sony's brand power and first party is too much to over come. People have been underestimating just how strong the PS brand is, it's quite hilarious. MS will be fine, but Sony will be first.


Pre-orders do mean something, when the ps4 can be almost 2:1 in Xbox strongest country it is telling......It is the ONLY real facts we have right now. Demand is stronger for the PS4.

Of course Sony will be first, no one really raise this to question. But this topic if microsoft turned the battle refers way more to the questions if the xbox one is abel to keep up with the PS4 and now the chance are quite good that the xbone is  at least a worthy competitor for the ps4.

Grandia said:
iamdeath said:

Nope, Ps4 pre-orders actually increased the gap.. Why do people put so much meaning behind launch titles? They have little bearing on a console success over the long haul, and many we have no idea how good ore bad they are...


Sony launching not a year behind and not 200 bucks more expensive, with sony's brand power and first party is too much to over come. People have been underestimating just how strong the PS brand is, it's quite hilarious. MS will be fine, but Sony will be first.


Pre-orders do mean something, when the ps4 can be almost 2:1 in Xbox strongest country it is telling......It is the ONLY real facts we have right now. Demand is stronger for the PS4.

Of course Sony will be first, no one really raise this to question. But this topic if microsoft turned the battle refers way more to the questions if the xbox one is abel to keep up with the PS4 and now the chance are quite good that the xbone is  at least a worthy competitor for the ps4.

Umm take a look around...many are saying the x1 is ahead lol. Yes denial is a strong emotion.

It should do alright, i mean it's got an established base now more than ever but PS4 will do better because it's cheaper. Just the same advantage Xbox 360 had.

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

The battle made a 360?

kowenicki said:
radha said:
the Xbone will only do ok in USA, it will bomb terribly everywhere else, and it will be far behind the PS4 in USA at the end. If MS could not leave Sony in the dust when the ps3 had everything against it, now that the ps4 has everything in its favor, is going to be like Original Xbox vs Ps2 numbers this gen.

oh man.  Im quoting this to keep for posterity

150m v 25m

you said it.

Unless the entire console market has shrinked, yes, but the rate should be around the same. There is zero reason to own a Xbone outside the USA. Nintendo hasnt moved many consoles this gen so the marginal audience that are gamers and had a Wii havent transition to the next gen yet. On top of that MS tried to screw gamers, and has always had a bad image. The only thing that Xbone has to save it is Brand loyalty, are this loyal fans more than nintendo's? that remains to be seen. So yeah you can quote me.


P.S. man Only 5 countries can fully use kinect at launch, yet customers will be charged full price for it in the other 8 that wont be able to use it fully. That is just crazy, how can you make that kind of business proposition to anyone??

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!