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iamdeath said:

Nope, Ps4 pre-orders actually increased the gap.. Why do people put so much meaning behind launch titles? They have little bearing on a console success over the long haul, and many we have no idea how good ore bad they are...


Sony launching not a year behind and not 200 bucks more expensive, with sony's brand power and first party is too much to over come. People have been underestimating just how strong the PS brand is, it's quite hilarious. MS will be fine, but Sony will be first.


Pre-orders do mean something, when the ps4 can be almost 2:1 in Xbox strongest country it is telling......It is the ONLY real facts we have right now. Demand is stronger for the PS4.

Of course Sony will be first, no one really raise this to question. But this topic if microsoft turned the battle refers way more to the questions if the xbox one is abel to keep up with the PS4 and now the chance are quite good that the xbone is  at least a worthy competitor for the ps4.