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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%
CWDNOwner said:


Honestly this post is just sad XBOX fans are now trying to sway public perception by writing articles like this in hopes some people will see it and be like "hey yeah now we should buy and XBOX One instead".  Please don't use the terms bugbear or niggle in a post ever again if you hope to be taken seriously. The XBOX One and Microsoft have some gloomy days ahead sorry accept this and move on. You will not be able to change reality with posts like the poll results to your own opinion:)

Yes and Sony fans never ever do that. LOL. Your denial wont change anything either

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iamdeath said:
soulfly666 said:
iamdeath said:
Goatseye said:
iamdeath said:
Goatseye said:
Killer Instinct,Forza,Titanfall,Kinect Rivals,Ryse etc... look and promise more success than anything Sony has to offer.

Ryse, Kinect rivals, Killer instinct? look beter then shadow fall, Infamous? Yeah OK, no one is taking you seriously.


Sony still has their biggest games to announce, MS blew their wad early.


Rime looks better then anything on x1,  see, two can play this game.

In a slick move you removed Forza out of there, cool.

Shadowfall will be another tech demonstration like it's predecessor and most likely won't convince you guys look at the sales.

Infamous probably will launch when Titanfall comes out and you know what's gonna happen when the most rewarded game of E3 launches.

Rime? Is that the next Def Jam Rapstar?

?? How do you know these things? You played KZ? IGN and others disagree


Titanfal;l launching won;t effect anything, Infamos will be huge for ps4 gamers. It won't effect Sony just like halo and gears never mad any diff to games on the PS platform thats doesn;'t even make sense.


Your entire arguemnt is "Everything on Ps4 is not good, Everythign on X1 is". Sorry, you simply have NO WAY of knowing what any of these games are like. You are slightly biased there dude.

AND.........Titanfall is absolutley the only thing MS has going for it.  Sony has their number on every other aspect including value.  Oh yeah, and standing by gamers without having to 180 and backtrack every step of the way.  Oh yeah and Kinect is super sweet LMAO.

Xbox fans turning into parrots like last gen. With 360 it was "GEars, HAlo", With x1 it's Titanfall, everytime they speak.... Sony is not about 1 game, it's about variety, and covering all bases. Titanfall will end up on PS4 anyway, that's the hilarious thing.

That would be catastrophic for MS.

iamdeath said:
soulfly666 said:

AND.........Titanfall is absolutley the only thing MS has going for it.  Sony has their number on every other aspect including value.  Oh yeah, and standing by gamers without having to 180 and backtrack every step of the way.  Oh yeah and Kinect is super sweet LMAO.

Xbox fans turning into parrots like last gen. With 360 it was "GEars, HAlo", With x1 it's Titanfall, everytime they speak.... Sony is not about 1 game, it's about variety, and covering all bases. Titanfall will end up on PS4 anyway1, that's the hilarious thing.

Project Spark, Ryse,Forza,Killer Instinct,Titanfall,Dead Rising 3,Kinect Rivals.

Sport,FPS,Fighting,Action Adventure,Racing. And MS is not offering enough variety?

1- Prove that. It's nice to see you fellas desiring so much X1 titles.

I would say of course it has. While Sony fans rule the internet they don't speak for the masses, sales of Vita and PS3 proved that even with their high preorders. A lot of Sony fans are desperate at this point to try to convince anyone they can that PS4 is worth owning. Now suddenly indie games are more important than AAA games. They hated paying for online but now everyone should be more than happy to. A good portion of them have been in attack mode against the X1 and Wii U because that's all they really can do at this point because for all of Sonys talk, they have nothing to back it up.
After Reggie made his statement I saw on many sites the very same people that were trashing the X1 begging MS fans to come to their aid and attack Nintendo. Their desperation is a true sign of how things will really play out and I have never seen Sony fans more desperate around the web. Pulling up 2 day sales in 1 region to call a game a flop? That's desperation at its finest. People often mistake me as someone who doesn't like Sony. I love Sony. I just don't like the vocal minority of their fan base that makes all gamers look bad. Saw a grown adult with kids today acting like a 12 year old on Facebook. Why would I want to be lumped in with people like that? They make all gamers look bad

I'm just glad the Xbox One isn't going to be dead on arrival. It should be fine. Hopefully word of mouth and positive experiences with the 360 will aid in the recovery.

Around the Network
Goatseye said:
iamdeath said:
soulfly666 said:

AND.........Titanfall is absolutley the only thing MS has going for it.  Sony has their number on every other aspect including value.  Oh yeah, and standing by gamers without having to 180 and backtrack every step of the way.  Oh yeah and Kinect is super sweet LMAO.

Xbox fans turning into parrots like last gen. With 360 it was "GEars, HAlo", With x1 it's Titanfall, everytime they speak.... Sony is not about 1 game, it's about variety, and covering all bases. Titanfall will end up on PS4 anyway1, that's the hilarious thing.

Project Spark, Ryse,Forza,Killer Instinct,Titanfall,Dead Rising 3,Kinect Rivals.

Sport,FPS,Fighting,Action Adventure,Racing. And MS is not offering enough variety?

1- Prove that. It's nice to see you fellas desiring so much X1 titles.

Did I say that? Again if you think launch titles  define a system you need your head check, Sony doesn't even have their Biggest games announced, MS panic'd and blew their wad early.


Don't need to prove it the writing is on the wall.


Be better on PC as well.

kowenicki said:
iamdeath said:
Goatseye said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
Goatseye said:
Fifa+Kinect+Headset= Kills anything Sony has to offer for $500€

Killzone, eye, 2 controllers and head set > limited fifa bundle.

eye? Are you serious? What does that thing do?

Umm voice for navigation. and facial recognition, you know the same thing speople keep saying you ned Kinect for LOL.

there may be a difference between having it and it working well.

Same goes for kinect....early reports are it still have some issues..............

It's obvious the X1 has the battle won at this point. Ps4 fans are just delusional. I mean, they can't honestly think Infamous: Second Son is better than Ryse.

Xone has more excluives but is $100 more expensive and it's name is stained.

ps4 is cheaper with less compelling exclusives.

still not anyone's game but ps4 has the advantage over xone and wii u has the advantage over ps4 and xone.

Zero999 said:

Xone has more excluives but is $100 more expensive and it's name is stained.

ps4 is cheaper with less compelling exclusives.

still not anyone's game but ps4 has the advantage over xone and wii u has the advantage over ps4 and xone.

What advantage has the WiiU over Ps4 and Xbox One?