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I would say of course it has. While Sony fans rule the internet they don't speak for the masses, sales of Vita and PS3 proved that even with their high preorders. A lot of Sony fans are desperate at this point to try to convince anyone they can that PS4 is worth owning. Now suddenly indie games are more important than AAA games. They hated paying for online but now everyone should be more than happy to. A good portion of them have been in attack mode against the X1 and Wii U because that's all they really can do at this point because for all of Sonys talk, they have nothing to back it up.
After Reggie made his statement I saw on many sites the very same people that were trashing the X1 begging MS fans to come to their aid and attack Nintendo. Their desperation is a true sign of how things will really play out and I have never seen Sony fans more desperate around the web. Pulling up 2 day sales in 1 region to call a game a flop? That's desperation at its finest. People often mistake me as someone who doesn't like Sony. I love Sony. I just don't like the vocal minority of their fan base that makes all gamers look bad. Saw a grown adult with kids today acting like a 12 year old on Facebook. Why would I want to be lumped in with people like that? They make all gamers look bad