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Forums - General Discussion - A lot of people should stop throwing around the words fanboy and troll.

damkira said:

Its because Legend11's avatar has never changed that his posts have stuck in my mind and I can remember some of the more irrational anti-wii threads he created.

Nintendo is just as bad as Communism.

Miyamoto is old, and Nintendo will fail when he retires.

Piracy will destroy the DS.

The graphics in SSBB are good, therefore they must be CGI.

Surely, there are much more but those are the ones that have made a particular impression. Legend11 seems personally offended by the Wii's success but to me a troll only wants to disrupt a forum and I don't think that's his goal.


You forgot one of the best ones, to paraphrase:

Don't be suprised if SMG sucks, it's only 7 hours long.

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damkira said:

Its because Legend11's avatar has never changed that his posts have stuck in my mind and I can remember some of the more irrational anti-wii threads he created.

Nintendo is just as bad as Communism.

Miyamoto is old, and Nintendo will fail when he retires.

Piracy will destroy the DS.

The group, which was born through the 2004 merger of videogame creator Sega and pachinko pinball machine maker Sammy, also confirmed plans to close 110 unprofitable amusement parks and arcade outlets amid growing competition from home consoles such as Nintendo’s Wii.


Sega Sammy posted losses of 15.77 billion yen for the nine months to December, compared to a profit of 49.38 billion yen a year earlier, according to an Agence France-Presse report.


It also had an operating loss of 1.53 billion yen, compared to profit of 75.19 billion yen last year, as revenue fell by more than 15 percent to 342.09 billion yen.


The company said it will use an early retirement scheme to cut 400 jobs at a cost of around 2.9 billion yen.


“The move forms part of the latest turnaround efforts, aimed at transforming Sega into a sustainable company,” said company spokesperson Mitsunobu Higashi.


For the full financial year to March the company expects to report a net loss of 26 billion yen, having previously forecast a one billion yen profit. It also forecast an operating loss of six billion yen on revenue of 475 billion yen.


“For Sega, performance at our core businesses including amusement parks and domestic consumer businesses is faltering because we were unable to deal with the change in the business environment,” the company said in a statement.

Surely, there are much more but those are the ones that have made a particular impression. Legend11 seems personally offended by the Wii's success but to me a troll only wants to disrupt a forum and I don't think that's his goal.


The Communism thread was a parody of another thread in which the Xbox 360 was compared to Nazi Germany or some such ridiculous thing.

The Miyamoto is old and Nintendo will fail when he retires was not what the thread about Miyamoto retiring was about.  I asked what people thought Nintendo would be like after Miyamoto retires, I never said Nintendo would fail or anything like that.

Piracy will destroy the DS is something I never said.  I posted an article from a respected newspaper about R4s being sold in Japanese shops.  The article itself (not me) said that piracy was become a problem for the DS.  Some insecure fanboys tried to portray it as me attacking the DS which simply wasn't the case.

The SSSB looks good so it must be CGI is based on an old trailer for the game.  The game itself looks exactly as I expected it to (based on current gameplay trailers on GameTrailers).  The old trailer had almost all cutscenes and was similar in my opinion to old Final Fantasy 7 trailers that mainly showed cutscenes.

The problem a lot of people have is that they read my posts with preconceived notions and it leads to people seeing things in my posts that aren't there.

As others have stated Legend isn't a "troll/fanboy" in the typical sense where he blatantly spouts out garbage, ignores logic, and begs to be banned like a 12 year old coming off of a sugar high.

He's far more "stealth"-y in his trolling. Throwaway comments like "Yeah i'll get Star Wars Force unleashed on 360, and i'll probably buy it on the Wii for my five year old cousin."

You have to realize why such comments are interpreted as negatively as they are. You'd be quite upset if somebody else went around shooting snide remarks about the 360 like that.

I eagerly anticipate your reply "But I have a 5 year old cousin who has a Wii and plays it with his 85 year old grandmother on a black and white TV! I wasn't trying to upset Wii owners!"

azrm2k said:
As others have stated Legend isn't a "troll/fanboy" in the typical sense where he blatantly spouts out garbage, ignores logic, and begs to be banned like a 12 year old coming off of a sugar high.

He's far more "stealth"-y in his trolling. Throwaway comments like "Yeah i'll get Star Wars Force unleashed on 360, and i'll probably buy it on the Wii for my five year old cousin."

You have to realize why such comments are interpreted as negatively as they are. You'd be quite upset if somebody else went around shooting snide remarks about the 360 like that.

I eagerly anticipate your reply "But I have a 5 year old cousin who has a Wii and plays it with his 85 year old grandmother on a black and white TV! I wasn't trying to upset Wii owners!"

 LOL!! I fell of my seat reading this, he does do that doesn't he

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Legend11 said:

The problem a lot of people have is that they read my posts with preconceived notions and it leads to people seeing things in my posts that aren't there.

 That would be believable if it were not for the fact that you are relentless with your passive trolling.

Think of it this way: If I make a thread about how mad I am for my 360 getting the RROD once it could be percieved just fine.   However if I follow that up with threads upon threads of "I wish my 360 could play BR." or "Using multiple discs in this game is disappointing" or "Oh no another RROD!" then a pattern starts to develop.  As somebody else pointed out your unique avatar has hurt you in the fact that your posts are quite memorable.  At that point it's less about people seeing things that aren't there and more about people knowing enough about your personality to realize what you actually are saying.

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fkusumot said:
damkira said:

Its because Legend11's avatar has never changed that his posts have stuck in my mind and I can remember some of the more irrational anti-wii threads he created.

Nintendo is just as bad as Communism.

Miyamoto is old, and Nintendo will fail when he retires.

Piracy will destroy the DS.

The graphics in SSBB are good, therefore they must be CGI.

Surely, there are much more but those are the ones that have made a particular impression. Legend11 seems personally offended by the Wii's success but to me a troll only wants to disrupt a forum and I don't think that's his goal.


 You forgot one of the best ones, to paraphrase:

Don't be suprised if SMG sucks, it's only 7 hours long.

At the time I made that thread there were many threads bashing some games by saying they were too short and some of them had people claiming ridiculous times that they finished the games in.  I was using SMG to show people how ridiculous some of those threads were when they involved racing through a game and ignoring collectables or other things in the game.


On most of those threads, you did not state your reasoning.. you just posted negative news about Nintendo. That would be ameliorated if you also posted positive Nintendo news, but I've never seen you do it. The sum of these posts indicate that you hate Nintendo to a degree far more than a person who simply doesn't like its products. 

You post a lot of news which reflects poorly on Sony, too but not even close to the negativity you constantly are showing toward Nintendo.. and that G4 chip had been out over a year before you posted that article.

Also, why did you interject an article about Sega into your quote? I don't get what you're trying to say with that.




azrm2k said:
As others have stated Legend isn't a "troll/fanboy" in the typical sense where he blatantly spouts out garbage, ignores logic, and begs to be banned like a 12 year old coming off of a sugar high.

He's far more "stealth"-y in his trolling. Throwaway comments like "Yeah i'll get Star Wars Force unleashed on 360, and i'll probably buy it on the Wii for my five year old cousin."

You have to realize why such comments are interpreted as negatively as they are. You'd be quite upset if somebody else went around shooting snide remarks about the 360 like that.

I eagerly anticipate your reply "But I have a 5 year old cousin who has a Wii and plays it with his 85 year old grandmother on a black and white TV! I wasn't trying to upset Wii owners!"

This is one of the many cases of reading too much into what I said.  I was talking about my nephew (he's 6 now) and when I made the comment about getting the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for him I didn't realize how people would take it the wrong way.  In fact I think I mentioned that I would be playing against him.

Oh and his grandmother doesn't play on the Wii, but she does have a Nintendo DS (and no I'm not bashing that system, she has it for playing Brain Age and similar games).

Legend11 said:
fkusumot said:
damkira said:

Its because Legend11's avatar has never changed that his posts have stuck in my mind and I can remember some of the more irrational anti-wii threads he created.

Nintendo is just as bad as Communism.

Miyamoto is old, and Nintendo will fail when he retires.

Piracy will destroy the DS.

The graphics in SSBB are good, therefore they must be CGI.

Surely, there are much more but those are the ones that have made a particular impression. Legend11 seems personally offended by the Wii's success but to me a troll only wants to disrupt a forum and I don't think that's his goal.


You forgot one of the best ones, to paraphrase:

Don't be suprised if SMG sucks, it's only 7 hours long.

At the time I made that thread there were many threads bashing some games by saying they were too short and some of them had people claiming ridiculous times that they finished the games in. I was using SMG to show people how ridiculous some of those threads were when they involved racing through a game and ignoring collectables or other things in the game.

No, you really weren't.

I also remember you being one of the main people trumpeting that SMG failed at launch. How much is it at again? 5.5 million in 3 months?

It's amazing that you've probably got more trolling under your belt than Hus, Killzone3/GranTurismo and Blue3 and yet you constantly get away with it. As long as I've been here I've never seen you banned. I mean, I know it's stealth trolling but no one is that stupid not to see it after all these months. 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Legend11 is definitely right about the short game thing. Super Mario Galaxy wasn't that long (to just beat the game I spent about 8-11 hours), but I loved it. Heavenly Sword wasn't that long (to just beat the game I spent about 7-9 hours) and I loved it as well. All he was doing was throwing back what a lot of Nintendo people and others had been doing to some PS3 and I think 360 games. He was totally within his right to do it, because it was true.

Unfortunately, a lot of people on this website can dish it out but they can't take it. The community is overall a lot better than it used to be, so I am not complaining, but Legend11 is no worse than a healthy percentage of you.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson