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Legend11 said:
fkusumot said:
damkira said:

Its because Legend11's avatar has never changed that his posts have stuck in my mind and I can remember some of the more irrational anti-wii threads he created.

Nintendo is just as bad as Communism.

Miyamoto is old, and Nintendo will fail when he retires.

Piracy will destroy the DS.

The graphics in SSBB are good, therefore they must be CGI.

Surely, there are much more but those are the ones that have made a particular impression. Legend11 seems personally offended by the Wii's success but to me a troll only wants to disrupt a forum and I don't think that's his goal.


You forgot one of the best ones, to paraphrase:

Don't be suprised if SMG sucks, it's only 7 hours long.

At the time I made that thread there were many threads bashing some games by saying they were too short and some of them had people claiming ridiculous times that they finished the games in. I was using SMG to show people how ridiculous some of those threads were when they involved racing through a game and ignoring collectables or other things in the game.

No, you really weren't.

I also remember you being one of the main people trumpeting that SMG failed at launch. How much is it at again? 5.5 million in 3 months?

It's amazing that you've probably got more trolling under your belt than Hus, Killzone3/GranTurismo and Blue3 and yet you constantly get away with it. As long as I've been here I've never seen you banned. I mean, I know it's stealth trolling but no one is that stupid not to see it after all these months. 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"