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Legend11 said:

The problem a lot of people have is that they read my posts with preconceived notions and it leads to people seeing things in my posts that aren't there.

 That would be believable if it were not for the fact that you are relentless with your passive trolling.

Think of it this way: If I make a thread about how mad I am for my 360 getting the RROD once it could be percieved just fine.   However if I follow that up with threads upon threads of "I wish my 360 could play BR." or "Using multiple discs in this game is disappointing" or "Oh no another RROD!" then a pattern starts to develop.  As somebody else pointed out your unique avatar has hurt you in the fact that your posts are quite memorable.  At that point it's less about people seeing things that aren't there and more about people knowing enough about your personality to realize what you actually are saying.