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Forums - General Discussion - A lot of people should stop throwing around the words fanboy and troll.

I've noticed some people on this site that try to belittle me and my posts by calling me a fanboy or a troll.  What's particularly annoying about this is that I have in the past posted positive things about all 3 major consoles while some of the people insulting me have themselves not done that.  Some of them in fact have only posted negative things about the consoles they do not own or like.  So the very thing they accuse me of and try to insult me with is something that they themselves are guilty of.  To me that makes them hypocrites.

Anyways the next time you see someone attack me or my posts by implying I'm a fanboy or whatever please remember what I've said and judge for yourself if I'm any more or less of a fanboy than them.  Also for the people who wish to throw insults and snide remarks my way, take a good hard look in the mirror next time because pretty much every one of you doing that are just as bad if not worse and likely just don't want to read the truth.

Thanks for reading. :)

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Legend11, you do post some interesting things but your threads about Wii are always something along the lines of "Wii will fail because..." All of us have our biases, but constantly posting negative news about a specific console will not win you much favor among its supporters.

I don't think I've ever said the Wii will fail. Most of the Wii stuff I post that people seem to think is negative are about casual games and third parties and so far from financial reports, statements from company executives, and the charts I'm basically just stating the realities of the situation.  For the PS3 anything seen as negative is usually about the Cell processor and it's based on what developers and other people in the industry have said.

If the shoe fits, imo.


Read my next post and I'll broaden my reasoning for saying what I just said. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I'm not the one with the sig stating I disrespect someone as a developer, commentator, and human being simply because of a statement he made to a baited question.

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I've noticed some people on this site that try to belittle me and my posts by calling me a fanboy or a troll.

But you are a fanboy. And a troll.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

The problem is, Legend, guys like you, and kingofwale aren't exactly anti-fanboys or Wii-haters in the traditional sense.

It takes a certain mentality, a cognitive dissonance, if you will, to make the common PS3 owner take to a forum like this.

However, you guys, I believe, have entirely different reasons and methods to do what you do.

I think that you see so much Wii praise on this forum that you just want to counteract it a little. You don't necessarily hate the Wii, but I do believe if you were on a desert island, the Wii would by a distant third current gen console of choice for you. You don't understand its popularity, and though your comments and topics aren't necessarily hateful against the system, there is a certain detectable passive-agressive tilt too all of your comments, because of this.

You might not even realize it, and its not readily apparent from just one view of any of your posts, but rather, only clear when you look at the wide body of your posts here on VGChartz over time.

I could ask you a loaded question, like I've attempted with KoW, to find out exactly how deep you are, but I believe you wouldn't want to answer it either, because its designed to make my assuptions appear correct, when you might believe the answer would be misleading.

The final word is this. If you don't like the fire then stay out of the kitchen. If you really don't wanna get labled a Wii hater, then when you see some anti-Nintendo news that hasn't been told yet, don't take it upon yourself to post it, even if you do so in a completely unbiased way.

If you must do so, then by all means, continue, but don't go on a flaming rant when someone mutters "fanboy" under their breath.

I'll tell you right now, I'm a Wii fanboy.

However, because I am a Wii fanboy, I would never insult another system, nor post any negative articles representing it on a consistant basis, because I don't really see a point in it, and I know it would ruin my reputation as a respectable though biased poster on these forums.

That's just my take. It's the basic reason "why" which is what I believe this post is attempting to asertain.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


^LOL @ Claude.

I think he missed the whole "look in the mirror" line

Also, my reasons for hating Jaffe have nothing to do with his comments about Miyamoto, instead they are related to his general attitude, his beliefs, and his actual game development. The Miyamoto apology was just the last straw in a long line of last straws.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


whats the problems with fanboy, i 'm a fanboy and don't mind the word being bandied about. troll, well that depends on whether you are actually a troll