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I've noticed some people on this site that try to belittle me and my posts by calling me a fanboy or a troll.  What's particularly annoying about this is that I have in the past posted positive things about all 3 major consoles while some of the people insulting me have themselves not done that.  Some of them in fact have only posted negative things about the consoles they do not own or like.  So the very thing they accuse me of and try to insult me with is something that they themselves are guilty of.  To me that makes them hypocrites.

Anyways the next time you see someone attack me or my posts by implying I'm a fanboy or whatever please remember what I've said and judge for yourself if I'm any more or less of a fanboy than them.  Also for the people who wish to throw insults and snide remarks my way, take a good hard look in the mirror next time because pretty much every one of you doing that are just as bad if not worse and likely just don't want to read the truth.

Thanks for reading. :)